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ICYMI: Uberflip’s spring 2021 launch event recap

Abstract image to support Uberflip's spring product launch eventDid you miss our spring 2021 launch event? Check out the event recap below.

Speed + scalability = success. Pre-pandemic this formula rang true. But in our current circumstance, those words hold a lot more weight.

Uberflip’s own marketing team felt the burn when live events were wiped from our marketing mix. And what the past year uncovered for us and for our customers was a need to move quickly and scale for success. Without it, we create what Uberflip’s CMO and co-founder Randy Frisch calls a “launch gap.” In essence, it’s the gap between when we expect to launch in order to maximize relevance and seize an opportunity and when we actually launch. That lost time can translate into missed targets and pipeline, lost renewals and expansion, and lack of market authority. Nobody wants that. 

So it’s clear that getting content and programs launched quickly, so that teams can use and leverage those marketing materials and see the impact of campaigns, is necessary to win in 2021. And the ability to scale, well that’s a no-brainer.

Uberflip’s spring launch event hit on these themes, with an eye to adopting a more personalized and human approach to our interactions across the customer journey. So let’s take a look at what we’re working on and some of the big releases you can expect from Uberflip.

What’s new

First up, we recently launched the newest sales engagement tool in a marketer’s and sales rep’s tool belt—Sales Assist (full press release here). Sales Assist is an extension of Uberflip that helps sales teams leverage marketing and sales content more effectively. 

Here’s why you’ll love it:

  • It addresses a current need. Right now, sales engagement is critical. Marketing ignites the conversation but sales needs to continue it (and ultimately close the deal). This tool will help with alignment.
  • It improves upon our sales engagement functionality with the goal of getting sales reps to create and share Sales Streams quickly and efficiently. Our Extension functionality allows reps to create Sales Streams of marketing content from within their email client. But with Sales Assist, reps can move more quickly, author their own content (price sheets and sales decks) and include them in their Sales Streams and they can create and share Sales Streams inside whatever tools they use (SalesLoft, Outreach, Outlook, Gmail). 

But wait, there’s more. Check out some other key benefits:

  • Improve content discoverability through tag groups. Break content down by things like buying stage, use case, persona, sales stage, etc. 
  • Reps aren’t limited to marketing content. They can include a link to a sales presentation, PowerPoint, or pricing sheet, and choose a tile from the image gallery to add their own content to the Sales Stream.
  • Empower sales to create personalized experiences at scale. How? With templates. You can build and manage content templates for your reps to use quickly. They can add their own content to existing templates as well. 
  • Give reps real-time notifications on their desktop or in-app so they know when a prospect views their content
  • Works on mobile—responsive and accessible on any device! Just go to:

Sales Assist is available now. If you are interested in trying it out, please reach out to your CSM for a demo or, if you’re new here, first off hello 👋 and please request a demo via this form to learn more.

But that’s not the only app that was launched at the spring event. We also introduced two new apps—domain blocker and CTA customizer.

With domain blocker, you can block form CTA submissions from known domains. This will improve the quality of CTA submissions so you don’t get form fills that aren’t actionable... such as those that use personal email addresses like or

With CTA customizer you can customize your CTA without any code. This will allow the marketer to gain visual control over Form and Link CTAs. We integrated customer feedback into the development of this app, leveraging the most popular design requests from customers.

What’s in progress

Here are a few more things the Uberflip product team is working on:

Data integrations

  • Uberflip Analytics Enrichment with MAPs—we’re working on allowing you to see who exactly is engaging with your content. 
  • Salesforce activity at the account level
  • Eloqua integration improvements

Marketplace and app improvements

  • Cascading Stream-level settings —so you’re able to include apps at the Stream level
  • New field types (color picker, select)
  • Private apps
  • Auto authenticated side-nav apps
  • Theme selector—so you can change the look and feel of a hub with the click of a button (no On-Brand required!)
  • Bulk task smasher app  
  • Personalizer app improvements

Platform speed, scalability and stability (so really, speed + scalability + stability = success)

  • Responsive images to improve load speed
  • Smarter caching will improve scalability issues
  • Decoupling services to improve stability

Usability improvements

  • CTA management—list view over tile view
  • Internal Stream names—create a separate name for a Stream that’s independent from the name that appears on the front-end. This was the top-requested improvement from last quarter.
  • Remembering page “states”

What’s on customers’ must-have lists

And before we wrap up the wrap-up, let’s talk about the people’s choice! At each launch event, we ask customers about the improvement that’s most deeply important to them. And right now, far and away the No. 1 improvement customers want to see is… well, you’ll have to check out the recording to find out. But what I can say is, we hear you. And we’re on it! 

Want to see the full session? Check out the recording.

About the Author

Christine is an experience-obsessed marketer. She was Uberflip's Director of Content, where creating engaging content experiences for marketers was a challenge she accepted daily. She believes that if you can't attract, engage, and compel that next action with your content, then why bother? She also has a thing for pugs, but who doesn't.

Profile Photo of Christine Otsuka