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Introducing the Sales Activity Dashboard

When sales teams adopt content as a strategic selling tool, they can increase opportunity engagement, expand their contacts and build trust as a credible resource. 

For marketers, it’s important to know how content is being leveraged throughout the buyer journey and where your efforts are leading to the greatest success. 

For sales managers, it’s important to understand how reps are using content successfully so you can encourage behavior that increases pipeline, while capturing best practices that can be used to better train your sales force. 

Today, we’re excited to announce a new Uberflip for Sales feature that helps marketers and sales managers achieve these objectives. It’s called the Sales Activity Dashboard

Measure Content Performance

Up to one-third of a sales professional’s time is spent looking for or creating content to share with prospects. That’s valuable time that should be spent on activities that drive revenue. 

As a marketer, it’s important to make it easy for your sales force to find effective content quickly. The best way to start is by trying to understand how they use content throughout the sales cycle, what they share most often, and what assets are driving the most engagement. 

58% of pipeline stalls because reps are unable to add value, emphasizing how important it is for them to be able to find and share the right content at the right time.

- Salesforce

The Sales Activity Dashboard makes it easy for marketers to see what content assets are being shared by sales reps and the level of engagement they’re generating, with key metrics like total shares, item views and unique visitors.   

Team Adoption

In order for your sales reps to leverage content effectively, they need to adopt the sales enablement tools you give them. As a marketer or sales manager, it’s challenging to capture this information without a reliable sales analytics tool. 

Companies that leverage a sales enablement tool see a 13% revenue growth rate, 3x that of companies without this technology.

- Aberdeen

Ensuring that your sales reps are utilizing sales enablement technology is imperative to outselling your competition, or at the very least, staying competitive. 

Through the Sales Activity Dashboard, you can easily see which reps are leveraging Sales Streams and our Chrome or Outlook Extensions to share personalized content experiences with their prospects. 

Training & Mentorship

There is no question that training and mentorship can have a big impact on sales results. Research from The Corporate Executive Board shows that sales reps who receive as little as three hours of coaching per month exceed quota by 7%, increasing revenue by 25% and average close rates by 70%. 

The Sales Activity Dashboard can provide managers with a powerful training resource for coaching reps on how to use content. You can quickly drill into the activity of a specific user to analyze their sharing habits, review the experiences they’ve created for prospects, and see real-time engagement data. 

You can also quickly find your top performers and capture best practices that the rest of your reps can use to step up their game. 


Ready to start empowering your sales reps with content? Let’s get started.