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Beyond the Resource Center: 10 Ways to Power Your Marketing Programs With Content Experiences

Since day one, Uberflip has been helping companies reimagine the way they engage their buyers with content

Naturally, the most likely people to first adopt our platform were the content creators, i.e., the content marketer. That’s why Uberflip has become widely known as the best platform for building contextual, binge-worthy resource centers. A place where content marketers can build brand awareness, drive organic traffic, and fill their funnel with qualified leads. 

But in recent years, the role of content has evolved to take on so much more than just the top of the funnel. The buyer journey is paved with content and every step needs to offer an experience that’s relevant and engaging, or else your buyers will wander. 

Building a resource center is often the best first step for your organization to take since it forces you to centralize your content and organize it contextually based on the needs of your buyers and team. 

But don’t stop there! Leverage this amazing asset to easily spin up content experiences for a slew of other awesome use cases. 

In this article, we’re sharing some amazing examples and ideas to help you expand your Uberflip use cases and wow your customers with content. 

Release the Chains From Your Nurture Campaigns

The issue with traditional email nurture campaigns is that they dictate the frequency at which a prospect can consume the content. If I’m on the receiving end of these emails and you capture my attention, should I be able to binge on the whole series without having to wait until next week? Of course I should!

Use a Marketing Stream to power the content experience behind your nurture campaigns and make it easy for your buyers to self-nurture at whatever pace they choose. With engaging features like the next-item flyout and personalized content recommendations, you’ll see engagement rates and funnel velocity increase. 

Blackbaud, the world’s leading cloud software company powering social good, uses a Marketing Stream as the destination for one of their top influencing nurture campaigns. So far, it’s generated over $100,000 in pipeline and an average of seven content pieces consumed per visit. 

Blackbaud Nurture Campaign


Give Your Target Accounts That Personal Touch 

Whether account-based marketing (ABM) is a relatively new concept to you or something you’ve been doing for years, there is no debating its effectiveness. It has certainly played a big role in our success at Uberflip, and over the last year, we have seen some huge ABM wins for our customers too.

Most of the marketers we speak with shudder at the idea of building a custom landing page for each of their target accounts. It typically involves wrestling with their content management system or marketing automation platform, or offering their first born to a member of the IT team to help code something up. In most cases, it takes hours just to create one landing page.

With Uberflip, ABM marketers can now use Marketing Streams to create personalized content experiences for each of their target accounts, at scale. We've also created this ABM Crash Course to help you get started. 

The team at Snowflake, pioneers of a completely new SQL data warehouse built for the cloud, use Marketing Streams to deliver personalized ABM experiences to their 1200+ target accounts. Not only have they been able to engage 100 percent of these accounts with content, but in 2018, they discovered that 50 percent of their entire online content consumption came from these one-to-one experiences. 

Snowflake ABM Example


Enable Sales to Sell Better With Content

The animosity between sales and marketing teams has existed for a long, long time now (certainly long before the advent of content marketing). That this animosity still exists is a real shame, since it’s been proven that companies with strong alignment between sales and marketing typically enjoy stronger growth in revenue than companies without. 

This focus on “SMarketing” (or sales and marketing alignment) is unquestionably a valuable asset to companies that can make it work.

With Sales Streams and the Uberflip Extension, these two teams can now work harmoniously together to package and share personalized content experiences with prospects. In minutes, sales reps can quickly pull together a Sales Stream of relevant (marketing-approved) content, design it with their prospect’s branding, and include a personalized note. 

Vidyard, makers of a video platform that helps businesses transform communications and drive more revenue through the strategic use of online video, use Sales Streams to enable their reps to create and share one-to-one content experiences with their prospects. They can even embed welcome videos from each rep using an integration between Uberflip and their GoVideo platform, just for that extra personalized touch. 

Vidyard Sales Example


Extend the Reach of Your Event Marketing

Even in a world of digital content, in-person events are still a key part of many great content marketing strategies. In fact, research from Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, and Brightcove has found that marketers have rated in-person events as the most effective B2B marketing tactic for six years running.

Smart marketers are using content Hubs to extend the life of their in-person events and make them an even better experience for their attendees. 

MongoDB, builders of the leading modern, general-purpose database platform, are using content Hubs to provide an incredible level of support around their annual events and conferences all over the globe. Their content Hub includes full-length talks and curated content from event speakers that help to highlight great moments from their events and generate excitement around upcoming ones. 

MongoDB Event Example


Upgrade Your Old Newsletter Experience

Almost every company has one—or sometimes multiple—newsletter that follows generally the same format. They all have multiple links to separate pieces of content that often lead visitors to dead ends. For your customer to consume the entire newsletter, they need to bounce back and forth between their inbox and web browser. 

It’s time to give the traditional email newsletter an upgrade. Instead of multiple calls-to-action and separate, disconnected links, create a simplified email with a single CTA that sends users to a branded Marketing Stream. With only one CTA in your email, you can bet on higher click-through rates, but more importantly, you’ll be able to keep readers engaged and lead them down a content journey by packing it up into a single stream of content. 

Our customer marketing team at Uberflip recently took this approach with our customer newsletter. Our emails have a single call-to-action that leads to a branded content experience. And the results have been awesome. In just two weeks we’ve seen an average visitor consume four pieces of content per visit, almost double the results we saw in our old newsletter format. 

The other great benefit of approaching your newsletters this way is that you can promote them on social or even in employee email signatures using platforms like Sigstr. It really lengthens the life of your newsletters far beyond the first couple of days. 

Newsletter Experience Example


Launch Your Products With a Bang

If you’ve ever launched a product or feature, you know how challenging it can be to manage all of the content and resources associated with it. There are multiple stakeholders, internally and externally, who need that content, but it often lives in separate places. 

Manage launches like a pro by packaging all of your content into a single Marketing Stream. This makes it easy for your partners, sales reps, CSMs, and customers to find the information they need. This also comes in handy when you’re pitching new releases to media and analysts, since all of your relevant information is easily accessible in one destination that you can share. 

Product Launch Experience Example


Put Customers on a Path to Success

Onboard customers faster with personalized training programs and educational content. With Marketing Streams, you can curate only the most relevant training content from your library and package it in an experience where the next article is always the next best step. 

Success teams and trainers love this use case because it gives them the ability to tailor-make a content experience for every team they work with, with the flexibility to update content on the fly and keep it relevant. 

Customer Onboarding Example


Manage Your Customers With a VIP Experience 

Take your customer experience to the next level by providing them with their own personalized content Hub. With a Hub for every customer, you can get super granular with customizing everything from the home page to the navigation menu to speak directly to the needs of your customer. 

Your CSMs will love the ability to put the most relevant and timely information on the home page as a way to keep their most strategic accounts updated on the latest news. They can also password protect the entire Hub or individual Streams, which makes it safe to share sensitive content. 

Customer Hub Example


Take Your CAB From Drab to Fab

At Uberflip, we use a Hub to manage our Customer Advisory Board (CAB). Since we can lock down the Hub with a password, it makes it easy to share beta information, meeting notes, presentations, and other sensitive material. At any time, a board member can pop into the Hub to access notes from old meetings, upcoming meeting information, and relevant content. 

Everything we need to keep our Customer Advisory Board aligned, all in one intimate package. 

CAB Hub Example


Build a #dreamteam With Partners 

While it’s important to ensure that your customers, prospects, fans, and followers have easy access to your content, it’s just as important to look after your partners, colleagues, employees, and stakeholders.

Convince & Convert, an incredible group of digital marketing advisors led by Jay Baer, has succeeded in building a content Hub for its partners that provides a weekly update of great marketing resources such as podcasts, presentations, blog posts, and videos—and all with the personal touch of a trusted advisor.

Partner Hub Example


Are You Ready to Move Beyond the Resource Center? 

When it comes to engaging your buyers with content, the possibilities are endless. I hope you take some inspiration from the examples above, but also push yourself and our platform to create amazing content experiences for your customers. 

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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