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The sales engagement campaign that saw reps engage 400 accounts in 90 days

Here at Uberflip, we love to hear tales of sales and marketing working together to succeed, and this story is a great example. Jocelyn Lo, Associate Marketing Director at TripleLift, demonstrates that the more marketing and sales work together, the more business results can improve.

The overall aim of this campaign was to improve the searchability of TripleLift’s marketing-approved content for sales. Ultimately, the ability to leverage the right content throughout the sales funnel would allow the sales team to become more agile. It would eliminate issues previously related to matching the right content with the right audience type.

Jocelyn recognizes that it's easier to build on existing client relationships, but getting net-new prospects to engage is a little more challenging, soo she focussed on how she could better arm the marketing and sales voice.

How it started

Jocelyn and the team aimed to engage their targeted accounts outside of traditional, face-to-face meetings. They had an abundance of insightful materials to share, but how could they put more content in the forefront without overwhelming their clients? Enter Uberflip. By leveraging Uberflip's content tagging and Sales Assist tools, marketing helped empower sales reps to leverage marketing-approved content to build sophisticated and personalized streams for their clients. 

The marketing team leveraged content tags that made sense to the sales reps, so sales could easily find and hand select relevant content when using Sales Assist and building their streams. The marketing team also used templates within Sales Assist so sales could easily build upon them with customized options or add new components specific to their client. 

Uberflip's Sales Assist tool allowed reps to send an email with a single CTA that took clients to a curated stream full of relevant content. By leveraging the tagged content and templates, sales could provide a dedicated stream packaged in a personalized and easy-to-navigate way, giving each account an individual experience. The stream acted as a resource center, making it easier for their clients to share with their team vs. forwarding an email with multiple attachments, expanding sales' reach further compared to traditional email. Sales reps could also update the streams in real-time when more information was required. 

TripleLift’s sales team now have up-to-date marketing-approved resources at their fingers, providing a seamless experience and helping to consolidate materials in an engaging and easy-to-navigate way.

How it's going

Within 90 days, 73 sales reps have engaged 400 accounts with great results:

  • 3.6 buyers per account
  • 4.26 assets consumed per account 
  • 31+ hours of engagement 

These results provide validation that sales and marketing efforts are working. Insights such as who's engaging with the content, how long, reach, etc., also educate Jocelyn and the team on how to better support sales.

Looking ahead 

  • The insight into content performance has made TripleLift more aware of what content they should be creating next and more able to understand the gaps in their content or tags that they can fill. 
  • They will leverage their insights to refine their content strategy and create winning content for their buyers in 2022.
  • This project has also give TripleLift better understanding of how they can leverage Uberflip and Sales Assist to build additional use cases in the future.

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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