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The customer engagement campaign that netted a 95.7% retention rate

One of TMLT's challenges is the high cost to acquire customers. So that makes retaining those customers of the utmost importance, especially in times of disruption. In this video, Laura Brockway, Assistant VP of Marketing at TMLT shares how she used technology and a retention strategy based on anticipating reasons to leave and providing solutions before they passed the point of no return. 

They identified the target customer accounts, got their attention via a personal and empathetic email from TMLT's CEO with a singular CTA, and sent them to an engaging content destination using Uberflip. This destination allowed TMLT to package content that would address potential churn reasons and provide content to address them.

TMLT customer email and content destination

Here are some of the retention campaign results she saw:

  • 52% customer open rate
  • 95.7% retention rate (an improvement over 2019 despite dealing with a pandemic in 2020)

What she's doing next:

  • ​Applying the same strategy and tools to lead gen efforts
  • Continuing to support her customers using content destinations in Uberflip