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The demand generation campaign that increased conversion to 75%

Content is king, yes. But, what about “consistency is key”—a concept that the team at EcoVadis put into action with their demand generation campaign. Amber Francis, Senior Digital Marketing and Operations Manager, and her team at EcoVadis created a multichannel campaign that provided a consistent customer experience while leveraging both ABM and sales engagement—a combination we love to see. 

They wanted to target high-value accounts, taking them from cold to hot leads. The goal? To send more qualified leads to sales to book discovery calls. 

A holistic approach

To kick it off, Amber and the EcoVadis team leveraged Demandbase’s predictive elements alongside their Salesforce database to identify target accounts based on region-specific markets and specific personas.

When it came to attracting the high-value accounts they’d identified, Amber and the team used an omnichannel approach, leveraging both sales and marketing—the best kind of collaboration. Marketing provided sales with a script, and leveraged email, and carousel ads on Linkedin, Demandbase, and Google. This holistic, targeted approach allowed EcoVadis to target prospects in multiple channels while maintaining consistent branding and messaging.

Leveraging Uberlfip, they linked prospects from the various channels to a carefully thought-out content destination where prospects could navigate through easily digestible video case studies on customer experiences with EcoVadis and then progress to a more in-depth stream of content that showed how procurement and supply chain organizations could come out of the pandemic stronger.

Hold on… there’s more! 

As part of their ABM strategy, the team created personalized content destinations for select accounts. By knowing who their customers were, they could send them to the right page, with the right content, based on criteria such as journey stage or industry.

The payoff

  • EcoVadis’ marketing qualified lead to sales accepted opportunity rate increased to 75%. Before their content experience focus, it was 45%.
  • They moved 93% of contacts from target accounts into the warm and hot queues, ready to set up discovery calls with the sales team. 
  • Their cross-channel consistency, branding, and cohesive messaging helped increase engagement with the materials. 

Looking ahead

  • EcoVadis is leveraging Uberflip’s Sales Assist tool after seeing positive results with their first sales streams and receiving positive feedback from sales, prospects, and customers.
  • With the possibility of returning to in-person events, EcoVadis will launch personalized pre-event content destinations to warm up prospects for sales engagement, enabling them to introduce EcoVadis to event registrants and book meetings with attendees ahead of the event.