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The persona-specific lead nurture campaign that saw a 366% increase in sign-ups

What’s the difference between an Uberflip Stream and a blog site? One increases your conversion rate and provides a self-nurturing personalized content experience, and the other, well, doesn’t. Before SketchUp signed up to Uberflip, they were missing the tools to put together an effective pretrial nurture series, their content was disorganized, and their blog was a list of articles. They couldn’t direct prospects to the content that was right for them. 

SketchUp wanted to capture leads and nurture them with persona-specific content that led to a product trial or purchase. So that’s what SketchUp Content Marketing Manager Cara Bell did. With Uberflip, Cara and the team built a persona-specific lead nurture campaign enabling SketchUp to provide the right content to the right buyer at the right time. 


We saw a 366% increase in sign-ups to trial or purchase—a 7% conversion rate, compared to a less personalized campaign where we saw about 1.5%.

- Cara Bell, Content Marketing Manager at SketchUp

So how was this achieved? 

To kick it off, Cara used segmented data in Marketo (based on what industry customers identified as) to build lookalike audiences on social. They also used basic audience building on their social ad platforms and in Google Ads. Once prospects clicked on social ads, she used the segmented data again to give them the right content at the right time. The ad destination teased a piece of content requiring the customer to complete a lead form. Just one touchpoint took customers to a personalized Uberflip Stream with recommended relevant content. This persona-based personalized Stream allowed the customer to filter and explore content for their specific needs in their own time.

After initial signup, they nurtured customers over 30 days with a tailored, personalized email series. Using Uberflip allowed SketchUp to send fewer touchpoints (three, in this case) while increasing their signups. 

SketchUp: The persona-specific lead nurture campaign that saw a 366% increase in sign-ups

Let’s see some results...

  • SketchUp saw a 7% conversion (trialing or purchasing) compared to a less personalized series that saw ~1.5%
  • They had a 366% increase in signup to trial or purchase
  • This campaign brought in more qualified leads

What’s next for SketchUp? 

  • Integrating 6sense with Uberflip and leveraging ABM 1:1 campaigns
  • Taking hubs to different regions and localizing them

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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