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How to use Uberflip to power your demand generation campaigns

Woman looking at laptop with Uberflip stream next to her

Modern marketers need tools that let them operate with flexibility and agility. In this regard, Streams are a super easy way for marketers to quickly build and launch new campaigns—content, CTAs, branding, and all.

There are a number of ways that a sharp marketer like yourself can use Uberflip to start creating beautifully branded and strategically planned out destinations for your demand generation campaigns. Check them out below!

Uberflip as an email or nurture destination

It’s a fact—most leads need a little extra love and attention to get them to the point of purchase. Since one of the most important aspects of a successful nurture campaign is targeted content, it only makes sense to send people to a destination that enables them to consume more content if they want to.Nurture email from Blackbaud

That’s why Marketing Streams and Sales Streams make the ideal email or nurture destination. They’re agile, meaning you can swap out the content at any time without having to code anything or update the URL path—and creating one is simple. Building out a Stream really only takes a few minutes!

In this example from Blackbaud, you’ll see that they send out an email which links to an asset (in this case, a fundraising checklist), that ultimately leads back to a curated stream of content providing additional tools and resources relevant to that topic. If someone is highly engaged, there’s even an option to request a demo of their product.


Blackbaud nurture destination

Rather than sending people to one static asset, it’s always a good idea to at least give them the option to engage with more. Menu highlighting "Copy to another Marketing stream"

You may also decide that you want to segment your audience and send them to different versions of a particular Stream based on their seniority, location, interests, or stage of the buyer journey. To do this, you can copy over your Marketing Stream using the drop-down menu (this appears on the far right side of the back-end of your Stream), make adjustments to copy, content, and creative, and send away!

Uberflip as an ads destination

When you’re investing your budget into display and social media advertising, you want to make sure that you’re getting return on what you’re paying for those clicks. Thoughtfully curated content experiences are the perfect way to ensure you’re making the click count.

Even if you’re sending users to one particular asset in your ad, you can use a Show Beside CTA to direct visitors back to a curated stream of supporting content.

Uberflip gated content item with a show-beside CTA

When building out an ad experience, ask yourself: What else might people who are interested in your asset care about? Are they at a stage in the buyer journey where they might want to see a product demo? Do you have any upcoming events they might like to attend? Questions like these will help you ensure you’re including everything that might engage someone who’s clicked through your ad.

Uberflip content destination

Using Uberflip for content roundups and newsletters

If you send out monthly content roundups or newsletters to your subscribers, you might want to consider using a Marketing Stream or Sales Stream as a way to distribute your hand-picked content recommendations. Rather than having people click through your email to individual links of content, consider sending them to a personalized Marketing Stream with your top picks, as well as a CTA where they can download an ebook or sign up for a webinar.


Example of weekly content roundup newsletter

Uberflip for marketing campaigns or series

If you’re running a weekly demand gen campaign like a video series or a crash course, you can use Streams as a way to reveal weekly content assets. Rather than building out a succession of landing pages, you can house all your videos or articles in one place (using one consistent link as the main destination) in a Marketing Stream.


Example of video series content destination


This particular example uses a custom-coded CTA to tease a hidden asset (to do this, we took a screenshot of a front-facing tile, greyed out the image, and added it as a CTA background).

Menu highlighting schedule

If you’re using a Marketing Stream for timed releases of content, you have the option to schedule a post to show, hide, feature, or un-feature in the back-end of your Stream. It’s a good idea to do this if you’re sending out weekly emails or social posts directing people to the Stream link—that way you know your asset is going to appear at its scheduled time, and you can avoid having to set a calendar reminder to add it yourself. Ain’t nobody got time for that! 😉

Now it’s time to see what you’ve got

Hopefully these examples using Uberflip for demand generation have gotten your gears turning about how you can use Streams to personalize and scale your campaigns. There’s so much opportunity for customization, making the possibilities for your next campaign virtually endless. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!