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What Content Experience Means to Marketers

Marketers in content, demand generation, and digital marketing are now recognizing content experiences as a fundamental part of what they do. And honestly, that’s music to our ears. We’ve known the power of content experience for quite some time, and we’ve worked hard to define it.

One way we’ve done so is through our event. Now in its third year, Conex: The Content Experience furthers the conversation around how marketers can best lead prospects through the buyer journey, armed with content, and an improved experience. This three-day conference brings together marketers from all disciplines to talk about how they can empower their organizations to see content through from creation to consumption.

Aligning around the content experience ensures marketers are considering the customer in all that they do and being wholly customer-centric—not only in thought but in action. Content experience is all about being more mindful, which leads to better results, better content performance, and ROI. It’s all about shifting focus to set up marketing teams to win.

So we asked some of our Conex speakers, who are also marketers, what content experience means to them.

For Amber Naslund, it’s all about the details.

The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail, especially when it comes to your content and how it’s experienced. After all, these details add up to how people feel about your brand, building the trust needed to establish meaningful relationships. Renowned digital marketer Amber Naslund believes that the secret to great, successful content marketing isn’t about doing more, but doing content a little differently.

For Scott Stratten, it’s all about trust.

Scott Stratten is the President of Un-Marketing where he helps businesses navigate their way through the landscape of business disruption. He believes that the hallmarks of content experience—things like trust, connection, and consistency—are important to position your brand as a trusted expert in front of your market in an authentic way.

For Tamsen Webster, it’s all about empathy.

Like DJs, the best marketers are able to read their audience. They have to be able to know what content to share to engage them, and then how to lead them on a journey. Essentially, marketers, like DJs, have to be experts at empathy. Tamsen Webster believes wholeheartedly in re-mixing your content around the ideas that matter most to you and to your customers.

For Caitlin Angeloff, it’s all about engagement.

Content experience is an emerging category, and with every new category there will be early adopters and those who take a wait-and-see approach. But when it comes to experience, live-streaming offers a lot of advantages—the medium prompts more engagement than any other. Docusign’s Caitlin Angeloff believes you can take those advantages and turn them into a winning strategy for capturing audience attention.

For Marcus Sheridan, it’s all about adapting to change.

Buyers have made a dramatic shift in the way they make purchasing decisions and marketers need to stay ahead by delivering content in more meaningful, relevant, and personalized ways. Unfortunately, many companies haven’t adapted to this shift. Marcus Sheridan brings clarity to the way buyers have changed and exactly what companies must do to, not only align themselves with this shift in buyer patterns but take advantage of the digital age, as well!

For Carlos Abler, it’s all about collaboration.

“Content is not just a vertical pillar of digital transformation” writes 3M’s Carlos Abler. “It is horizontal across functional silos, mandating new models of collaboration on the critical path of value realization.” You see? As a marketer, you’re not just in the business of content, you’re in the business of creating transformative experiences. The best part? People across your organization are already invested in creating experiences (whether they know it or not)!

For Joey Coleman, it’s about creating advocates.

We put a lot of focus on winning customers—developing buyer personas, writing content for the right person, and answering the right questions for our buyers at precisely the right time. Why? Because we’re customer-focused in our marketing efforts. But after making huge investments of time, money, and energy, most companies see customers churn prematurely. As a recognized expert in customer experience design, Joey Coleman shares his methodology, helping identify your customers’ emotional needs, guaranteeing their desired outcome, and turning passive customers into raving fans.

For Andrew Davis, it’s all about curiosity.

If you have content, you have a content experience, whether you’ve considered it “a content experience” or not. It can make your prospects’ lives easier and send them on a path to make a buying decision, or it can fall flat and cause potential buyers to look elsewhere. What if, in our quest to make our content consumable, we’ve eliminated every element that makes our content interesting? Former television producer and bestselling author Andrew Davis knows how to keep your audience curious.

For Amy Landino, it’s all about commitment.

Marketers are always trying to figure out ways to make their content better. But while it’s important to zero-in on each individual content asset and think about how it can be improved, the fact of the matter is that your poor content performance might not be your content’s fault—it might be your commitment to it. And this can be especially true when it comes to video. That’s why Amy Landino’s insights around building sustainable video marketing approach will help generate lasting results and build an audience for your brand.

Find Out What Content Experience Means to You

As a conference that’s focused on experience, Conex will be a meeting of marketing minds that’s still intimate, fun, and personal for all who attend. It hits the sweet spot between a big-budget conference and intimate gathering—big enough to be dynamic, yet small enough for authentic conversations and the sharing of transformative ideas shaping the future of content experience. It presents a unique opportunity to connect face-to-face and take part in something special, together, as part of a growing movement.

Be part of the action! Buy your ticket to Conex now!

About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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