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3 content experience challenges every ABM manager must overcome

3 content experience challenges every ABM manager must overcome

Pssst! Want us to let you into the secret of how account-based marketing (ABM) managers can connect and nurture relationships with target accounts earlier in the funnel? It’s simple... content is the key. According to a recent Forrester report, 63% of buyers will disregard content if it’s not relevant to their needs, industry, or role. This is no surprise, as we see buyer expectations shifting toward independent self-nurturing through personalized digital experiences.

But don’t be fooled. It isn’t your content alone that will 2.5x your average deal size. The most successful ABM programs deliver great content experiences to achieve those kinds of results. Buyers aren't just consuming your content, they're also engaging with the environment it lives in and forming their opinion of your company. The content experience is so influential to your prospects’ brand perception that 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design—get it right and you can greatly amplify the success of your ABM campaign.

Here are the challenges you must overcome to create content experiences that convert: 

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Achieve the right level of personalization for every funnel stage 

ABM managers can draw a straight line from personalized content experiences to better business outcomes. According to Gartner, companies that personalize buyer experiences see a 30% uplift in sales. But content personalization looks different at every stage of the buyer journey. Let’s be honest what may seem highly personalized and tailored at the bottom of the funnel will likely feel insanely creepy at the awareness stage. In ABM, choosing the right approach to nurturing your key accounts without turning them off is where art meets science. 

What truly matters is having an engaging destination for targeted accounts that will compel them to do a bit of clicking around. For example, Snowflake uses content to turn SDR cold calls into warm calls. 

Hot tip: Need help choosing the right level of personalization for your ABM campaign? Check out our personalization cheat sheet

Personalize your experiences at scale

Your level of personalization will depend on whether you’re doing one-to-one, one-to-few, or one-to-many outreach, but you should always try to make at least one element—whether it’s job title, industry, pain point, or company—feel tailored to your prospects. We know personalization at that scale can be intimidating (not to mention time-consuming), but it’s worth it! By leveraging intent data, you can achieve true personalization at scale. Not to mention, Uberflip for ABM can help marketers to create customized and curated content streams to power their ABM strategies.

Speed to market

When we asked, only 1 in 2 marketing leaders said their teams can easily create landing pages, blog posts, webpages, and other content experiences. Now, considering that all of your campaigns need to lead to content—that’s a pretty alarming statistic.

It’s no secret that, in today’s business climate, marketers are tasked with executing their go-to-market strategies with limited resources, tight budgets, and even tighter timelines. We’ve heard from so many others in your position—creating destinations for your marketing campaigns is time-consuming, cumbersome, and more of a hassle than it has to be. 

As a marketer, you need a way to quickly spin up campaign destinations that engage buyers and help move them rapidly along the buyer journey. The longer you wait, the less relevant your campaigns and content will be.

Harmony in the marketing-to-sales transition

On average, buyers consume 13 pieces of content before making a decision. Only 20% of sales reps actively share content during sales conversations. Because of this, 60% to 70% of the marketing-created content at many B2B companies is going unused. Where’s the alignment?! 

Recent Forrester benchmark data suggests that marketing-created content waste is an issue for 77% of B2B marketing organizations. Sales reps aren’t able to leverage marketing content for a variety of reasons, including discoverability, lack of relevance for prospects, or customization problems. 

You may have heard the term smarketing. We set ‘em up, and sales knocks ‘em down. Alignment ensures the transition from marketing to sales is a smooth one. Not only do you need alignment, but sales and marketing messaging needs to be consistent across teams for relationships to be nurtured without any kinks. According to HubSpot, sales and marketing alignment results in 38% higher sales win rates and 20% additional annual revenue growth.

Time to implement

The importance of your content experience is more vital now than ever. With Uberflip, your ABM program results are going to skyrocket as you scale up to take on more accounts, get your campaigns in the market faster, and leverage impactful content experiences to deliver a consistent and impressive brand perception to your prospects. And don’t forget—get it right, and you can markedly amplify the success of your ABM campaign.