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Serving up personalized content with Site Engager w/ Andriy Koval, Waqas Khan, and Ben Hoehn

Welcome to The Flipside, where we follow the adventures of a shiny new marketing team as they navigate the ups and downs of using Uberflip to drive our go-to-market. From triumphs to tribulations, we're sharing the whole story.

If anyone understands the power of content personalization, it’s B2B marketers.

Whether it’s for account-based marketing programs or demand campaigns, personalized content drives results. But it’s not enough to simply create that content. Buyers need it served up to them in convenient, helpful, and—above all, relevant—ways at the right moment in their journey.

Enter Uberflip’s Site Engager.

Site Engager is a part of Uberflip that allows our marketing team to serve up content to our website visitors (and for Uberflip customers to do the same). It’s a powerful feature, but a few peeps on our team started to wonder, could we run some tests to see if we can make it even better? Could our findings lead to insights and best practices to enhance our customers’ content delivery further using Site Engager? 

Read on to learn about the Uberflippers behind this experiment and what they found...

Colin: Hi there! First off, will you introduce yourselves and your roles at Uberflip?

Andriy Koval: I'm a developer here at Uberflip. My responsibilities include managing all our web properties, including our website and our hub, and also working on integrating different marketing platforms into our properties space.

Waqas Khan: I'm a demand generation specialist at Uberflip. I run demand gen programs as well as promote our assets on a variety of channels. Right now, I'm really focused on generating MQLs and routing them from one stage to another.

Ben Hoehn: I’m the VP of marketing. I help the marketing team make sure they have no roadblocks to getting their stuff done as best they can. 

C: Happy to be chatting with you. For starters, will you explain what Site Engager is? 

A: Site Engager is an Uberflip feature that allows us to serve personalized content to our website visitors.

Essentially, it lets us embed the content from our resource hubs onto our high-priority web pages, like our product pages. Then that content gets served up to visitors using our AI recommendation algorithm, which will automatically pick the best content based on the visitor’s viewing history and behavior. You can also specify which exact content you want your visitors to see, which we do sometimes as well.

We’re also using Site Engager for exit intent and other pop-ups across the site. So, for example, when a visitor to our site is about to leave a page, Site Engager shows them a piece of relevant content that matches their needs. As a result, they’re more likely to stay on the website, read that article, and engage with us. It’s a great way of keeping the conversation going.

C: I see. What are the big benefits of using Site Engager?

B: There are two main advantages. 

First, the ability to embed any personalized stream of content anywhere on your web properties is an absolute game-changer.

When I speak to customers and prospects about Uberflip, they always envision a dedicated landing page with curated content that’s filtered by tags to get to the right person. But what they can also do is take that same stream and embed it on literally any page on their website. That's why we have the recommendation embed widget. It empowers them to do it.

The second big advantage has to do with Uberflip CTAs.

To be honest, a lot of marketers have exit intent popups in some areas of their website because a lot of times it's built into the CMS. But by looping that into the Uberflip platform, there’s the added benefit of converting visitors from an Uberflip CTA.

For instance, if someone converts using that CTA, they’re cookied throughout the content experience. This enables faster personalization on a repeat visit by writing their engagement behavior to your MAP (like Marketo, Eloqua, Hubspot, etc.) and recommending the most relevant content that already exists on your hub. 

Uberflip's exit intent feature serves up "one more piece of content" when a visitor signals they're ready to leave. Clicking on it opens the content while keeping them on the original page...

C: What prompted you to start experimenting with Site Engager on our own site?

W: This was Ben’s brainchild. He wanted to do this test as part of our internal initiative to explore all scenarios and use cases in which marketers might use Uberflip. Maybe even invent some new ones. Through these tests, we’re going to be able to prove how these features are actually helping us and, in turn, are going to help our customers as well. 

B: Exactly. We ran this test because we want to use every part of the buffalo, so to speak. 

From a feature standpoint, Site Engager has two pieces. 

The first is called the recommendation embed widget, which recommends the next piece of content after your audience engages with one piece of content—similar to how Netflix or Spotify will recommend a new movie or song based on what you’ve already consumed. 

The second goes back to exit intent. This feature re-engages visitors with “one more thing” just as they’re about to leave your site. Given the self-serve nature of buying today, if high-value accounts are already on your site and engaging with your content, keeping the momentum going can accelerate your pipeline. So implementing exit intent was really important to us.

These are features that are built into our platform but that not all customers know about or use regularly. So I said to Waqas and Andriy, let’s use 'em all. Let's see what they can do.

C: Would you walk me through the tests? 

A: First, we pulled metrics from both Google Analytics and Uberflip Analytics and looked at engagement metrics that helped us answer four questions about the pages on our site that we wanted to test: 

  • How many page views were they getting in a given period? 
  • How long did these visits last? 
  • Did our visitors make it all the way to the bottom of the page? 
  • And then did they exit or go on to explore other pages or content? 

These were all pages we’d previously deployed Site Engager on, so these historic metrics became our benchmarking or baselining for the experiments we wanted to run.

After that, we added Site Engager to some pages but not to others, to be our control group.

We also played around with moving the placement of the recommendation embed up a section—to see where it'd be most effective. That's a big question we'd like to answer.

C: What was the most challenging part of the project? 

W: Split testing properly takes such a long time to get results because you have it initially set and forget it for two or three months until you've had 10,000 or 20,000 views on a page.

B: This was top of mind for everyone because it's already a valuable piece of the platform and a lot of people that have been exposed to it are already using it. But no one had really taken the time to go in and see how well this thing really works. So it was us going in, coming up with the different variables, and flipping on the switch. 

C: You need these numbers for the sake of achieving statistical significance? And not everyone has the time or resources to do that?

W: Right. Then we can conclusively see if Site Engager is something that worked or not in that context. Then you make another change and test that one, and so on.

Optimization takes time. Months can go by before we can tell if one change made a difference or not. But over time, if done correctly and backed by research, it can slowly but surely increase conversions and lead to lots and lots of pageviews.

A: Yeah. It benefits our website performance, so we’d probably be doing it anyway, but our learnings also become best practices that we can share with others. 

C: And how are you measuring success? 

B: From my perspective, the success is actually just getting findings for the customer base so that we can make recommendations on configuring Site Engager. Of course, our hope is that our tweaks produce better conversions and better engagement from those metrics. Uberflip Analytics will help us confirm if we tell customers that they should move items higher or lower on the page. 

A: So far, the most significant change in a metric we've seen in Uberflip Analytics is time on page. 80% of pages saw at least a 30% lift in average time on page across the board. This tells us the Site Engager content is making the pages stickier for the people that you want to browse your pages further.

A sample of Andriy's initial findings, showing a 30% lift in time on the page.

B: We also discovered something unique about bounce rates. The audiences you want to encourage to stay longer on your site will—but this has a greater effect when they come from organic sources like Google. If you're attracting a very broadly targeted audience via paid traffic, SiteEngager won’t really help keep any non-ideal visitors on your site, but they weren't likely to convert in the first place. It'll still keep the people you want to stay there longer.

C: What’s next for your project? What does completing this project make possible for future projects?

W: If the results are amazing, we’ll definitely create more informative content around it, probably use it for our own campaigns, and share it with our existing customers.

B: Yeah, I see this as an ongoing experiment. I would like to just keep testing different permutations so we can build the definitive guide to using Site Engager, knowing where you should put it and where you shouldn't. Through ongoing experimentation and optimization based on actual visitor behavior, we keep getting better and better performance too.