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Closing B2B Deals and The Rise of Digital Sales Rooms

Over time, closing B2B deals has become increasingly challenging. Sales reps have roughly 5% of a customer’s time during their buying journey. Deal progression isn’t always linear and a single buying committee typically includes between six and 10 decision makers today. 

Salespeople must effectively engage a broader audience in less time while adapting to the unpredictability of the buying cycle. Is there any way to actually pull this off? Surprisingly, yes - and it’s all about Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs). Here’s what to know: 

One Vehicle for the Entire Buyer Journey

A DSR serves as a central hub for your buyers, providing a virtual space where they can learn about your solutions, access recommended content, and communicate with your sales team if needed. The location doesn’t change as a prospective buyer gets handed off from marketing to sales to customer success, providing stability and clear history of that buyer’s journey with you. 

Understand Why Deals Have Closed to Close Even More Deals

Since the B2B selling landscape has become so complex, it’s more important than ever to figure out what your team has done right when a deal closes. A DSR keeps a record of interactions with a buyer over time, enabling your management team to review and understand the specific actions taken by a BDR or AE to successfully close a particular deal.

As you retroactively review why certain buyers converted into customers, you and your team will know exactly what high-performance sellers are doing. You can see who is saying the right things, packaging the right content, sending items at the right cadence and so forth. From there, other sales folks can implement similar strategies, replicating the success that their colleagues have experienced. The more you learn from the closed deals, the more everyone can close more deals. 

Additionally, a DSR will allow you to gain insights into which assets buyers are spending time in, indicating their interests and what spurs engagement. And it's not just one asset or one email. A single email might include links to multiple assets and, from there, you can see which ones they clicked and where they engaged the most to identify what content truly resonated. Over time, you’re collecting rich content analysis that helps you create and share the pieces that will really make an impact along the buyer journey. 

Stitching it All Together Requires a CEP

Just like you have solutions for your email and your social media management, a DSR offers you a channel for distributing your content. With Uberflip’s DSRs in particular, you’re going to get a massive overview of content, which you won’t get with other DSR solutions. This is because we’re not just a DSR; we’re also a content experience platform (CEP). 

With other DSR solutions, you typically add a link to a piece of content and then need to separately assess its performance on another platform. But with Uberflip, all your content is in one house, being analyzed under one lens. This is key in order to have a true understanding of the effectiveness of your content, and to provide a bridge from marketing to sales. 

Given the size of buying committees these days, you need to have all stakeholders in your DSR and know who they are. Having the ability to gate content or the DSR and seamlessly feed the enriched data into your marketing automation platform to establish connection points for marketing and sales is so critical. But to do this, you need a CEP like Uberflip and to be tightly integrated into marketing automation platforms. That’s where the real magic happens. 

Ready to make your buyer journey more effective and efficient, and close more deals? Check out how you can use Uberflip’s DSRs to your advantage!