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How much time do you spend creating campaign destinations?

Woman sitting at laptop with illustration overlay of marketing campaign stream

As a marketer, I’m sure you’re familiar with the struggle we’ve heard from so many others in your position—creating destinations for your marketing campaigns is time-consuming, cumbersome, and overall just way more of a hassle than it has to be. 

When we asked, only 1 in 2 marketing leaders said that their teams are able to easily create landing pages, blog posts, webpages, and other content experiences. Considering that all of your campaigns lead to content, that’s an alarming statistic.

So much of a marketer’s job is spent responding to market conditions that could change at any moment, so spending hours, days, or even weeks on a campaign destination is sure to set you back. Something’s gotta give. 

The need to adapt

In today’s fast-paced world of instant downloads, real-time personalization, and AI-powered recommendations, buyers have come to expect instantaneous responses from brands—B2B companies included. But the average B2B marketing department hasn’t evolved at the same pace as consumer expectations and typically isn’t equipped to handle the quick turnaround times needed for modern marketing campaigns. 

Passing on requests to your web development team isn’t a scalable solution if you’re working with large volumes of work or tight timelines—and they typically have other projects to manage (you know, like keeping your website operational). Because so many demand campaigns like event follow-ups and post-download nurtures are reactive, being flexible and able to launch quickly is crucial. 

Failing to do so not only eats up your team’s resources, but it also can mean losing out on leads or worse, neglecting to engage them fast enough and having them look elsewhere to your competitors. 

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Regain control of the buyer journey

The good news is that if you’re struggling with scaling your marketing campaigns and are getting bottle-necked by your IT team, there’s tech on the market to help you solve for that. A content experience platform (CEP) enables marketers to create personalized destinations made for engaging specific audiences. 

There are a ton of use cases for a content experience platform, but most of them speak directly to alleviating the challenges faced by demand generation marketers when it comes to easily collecting leads, quickly creating campaign destinations, and accelerating buyer journeys by enabling prospects to consume more content faster. 

Create microsites and campaign destinations quickly 

A great example of this in action is our friends at SAI Global, a risk management company, and its team’s rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just days after the outbreak hit North America, the team at SAI Global published a Pandemic Information Center full of insights, tools, training, and resources for business continuity and crisis response teams. 

This centralized destination put together by the team at SAI Global was the first of its kind in their industry. By simply packaging all of their relevant resources in one branded destination, they were able to become a trusted source for their audience during a time of so much uncertainty. 

SAI Global's Pandemic Information Center

Another great examples of this comes from Fortinet. Before using Uberflip, they'd rely on their dev team to make changes to their website or build out Eloqua landing pages to deliver new marketing campaigns and content. As a network security provider in an industry where global security threats happen in minutes, timeliness is of the utmost importance. 

So in 2017 when many organizations in Europe and the US were crippled by a ransomware attack known as "Petya,” there was an immediate need for expert information on the topic. Within hours, the Fortinet team was able to curate a content destination of resources using Uberflip that directly addressed the attack. Being the first in their industry to respond resulted in 10,000 visitors in 24 hours and positioned them as thought leaders amongst their competitors.

Screenshot of webpage with collection of resources curated in response to Petya ransomware threat

Take the pressure off your dev team

Not only does investing in a content experience platform help you get campaigns out the door faster, it simultaneously takes the pressure off your web development team. Claranet, a global technology services provider, previously used a CMS that required developer intervention every time the site needed a change. This, coupled with a cumbersome approval process meant the marketing team couldn't be agile and respond quickly to market opportunities, and content would be published days later as per their development team’s availability. 

Since implementing Uberflip, Claranet has actually saved their dev team 200 hours annually. Now that all of their content is centralized and organized in one place, anyone on their marketing team can now slice and dice it to create engaging content destinations for any type of campaign. The best part is that with a CEP, it’s guaranteed that each destination is consistently branded, requiring no additional support from a developer. 

Claranet's resource center

Save time to focus on what matters

The day-to-day of a marketer is busy enough without having to worry about the logistics of building out landing pages and microsites. Implementing a content experience platform can reduce the time it takes to build a campaign destination from days or weeks to minutes. With all that time back in your day, you can devote time and resources to what really matters—creating personalized marketing campaigns that truly resonate with your buyers and their needs, and ultimately generating results.

Learn more about how a content experience platform can help you save time and resources on your marketing campaigns. Talk with an expert now.