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Why Content Experience Makes the Customer Journey Better [Podcast]

The effectiveness of an experience can be a difficult thing to measure, especially when it comes to how that experience drives prospects down the sales funnel.

That said, the term “content experience” is being used more and more to describe the idea that your content should never be content for content’s sake. Everything you create should support and enhance the customer journey, creating memorable and valuable interactions along the way.

Paige Gerber, Director of Content Experience at Uberflip, joins the Content Experience Show this week to discuss measuring ROI on the content experience.

In This Episode: 

Content Experience is More Than a Buzzword

Content experience makes every interaction with your customers and prospects meaningful. By taking the content that you have and building experiences with it, you’ll make people want to engage. This helps propel them through the sales funnel to being an awesome customer, and then an advocate as well.

“Putting your content in more than one place actually increases the views by eight times on average compared to if you’re just pumping out new content.” — Paige Gerber

Measuring ROI on the Content Experience

Paige explains that when her team was creating The Content Experience Report, they collaborated closely with Uberflip’s data science team to work through some of the big questions they had, like what makes a content experience successful, what's the impact, and what type of ROI you can see from it.

“Putting a CTA overtop of your content has a 17 percent conversion rate compared to the average landing page right now at 2.35 percent.”

— Paige Gerber

Using AI to Personalize the Customer Journey

One of the questions Paige and her team dug into in the report was how can marketers apply artificial intelligence, and what impact does it have? She explains how using a personalized recommendation engine pushes people to self-nurture through the funnel, engage with more content faster, and then convert.

“AI helps you personalize the journey and build that one-to-one foundation so that people feel like you’re actually listening when they engage with your brand.” — Paige Gerber

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Find out what’s possible when you invest in the content experience. Download The Content Experience Report now!

About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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