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Why Allstate Is Ditching the Viral Unicorn and Embracing the Trusty Workhorse [Podcast]

Melissa Hodai, Digital Content Team Manager for Allstate, joins the Content Pros Podcast to discuss how a content strategy that focuses on long-term cultivation instead of immediate viral success has lead to conversions and industry awards.

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In This Episode:

  • Why cultivating a good content strategy means looking to Google and data first
  • How chasing unicorn viral content leads to uninspiring and failing content over the long term
  • Why reviewing metrics successfully means understanding that not all metrics are equally important
  • How understanding and embracing your workhorse content leads to a focused strategy with strong conversion points

Quotes From This Episode:

“Everything that we do, we make sure that it’s done with the consumer in mind, not necessarily just because it’s something we want to talk about.” —@melissahodai

“Finding the perfect mix that makes great content is very overwhelming because when you look at all the different metrics, each one has a different answer.” —@melissahodai

“What are the things that we really want to accomplish with our content marketing? We need to look at those and make our strategy based on those things.” —@melissahodai

“The blog post or the article has always been, and I think it should continue to be, one of the hardest working types of content for us.” —@melissahodai


About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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