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The Future of Content Marketing

In the age of the connected customer, experiences matter more than content. Join us to learn how Nate Skinner, VP of Product Marketing at Salesforce Pardot, strategically delivers connected experiences to his customers at the right time and in the right channel. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the future of B2B Marketing content, where the industry is headed, and hear from a successful customer just like yourself.

See the presentation slides below:

Session Notes

Courtesy of Karine Bengualid from Brought to you by the Letter K

Digital natives have changed expectations for everyone. Because “digital” is second nature to them (it’s like they were born with a tablet in their hands), they have elevated the expectations for the experiences we have on all channels.

As a result, experiences need to be immersive. From pre-purchase through post-purchase and beyond.

Skinner explains that his son, Silas, is tomorrow’s customer, today. What does that mean for us as marketers? It means we’re all competing for Silas’—and every other digital native’s—attention. And by 2020 (less than three years from now), they’ll account for a third of the North American population. (Source: Harvard Business Review, Welcome to the Experience Economy)

So how are you engaging with the Silases of the world? Because in a digital world, digital natives are willing to pay (handsomely sometimes) for convenience as well as experience. And delivering on these experiences will drive memorable moments.

The future is about experience. That’s why we all attended Conex, right? And the better you get at providing a full experience, the higher your value (pricing) can get. That’s what sets you apart from the under-differentiated (per the HBR article). The hierarchy starts with commodities, goods, services, and is topped off by experiences. And that’s how you can set your brand apart from the competition because (still!) not everyone is providing experiences to their audience.

Give your audience what they want: an experience with your content. Because if they don’t find that experience with you, they’ll find it somewhere else.

Click here to watch even more Conex speaker presentations on-demand.