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Six crucial questions you can answer with enrichment (to get better results)

Marketers have a love/hate relationship with data. They love the data available to inform them about audiences and campaigns. It helps them make better decisions before they go to market, and it lets them track performance and optimize afterward. On the other hand, though, they hate that this data lives in different systems. Often it takes a lot of time and effort to understand what it means—let alone how it should inform their strategy. 

Enrichment begins to solve that problem. 

What’s enrichment?

Enrichment means expanding the data you have in one database, like your CRM or marketing automation platform (MAP), by adding data from other internal systems or even from external sources, like firmographic and demographic data providers.

Why do you need it?

Most simply, you need enrichment to bring together data from every source to create a higher-fidelity B2B buying experience that’s truly personalized to your customer. Take a moment to consider if your organization is ready to start adding more data to your current contact data. Data quality always matters, and even more so when you enrich it. 

A note about data quality 
Because enrichment adds to your current data, it’s best to ensure your contact data is as accurate as possible. If your organization does not have a data verification process, start there so your organization can trust the data and take action as needed. 

Combining profile data (like name or email address) with firmographic (company information related to employee size, revenue, industry, etc.) and location data (where activity is happening now) gives you a treasure trove of information to tailor content, campaigns, and sales outreach. Then, by tracking the results of your content performance,  you also get insight into planning and optimizing your content strategy. 

So, exactly what are the questions enrichment can help you answer?

Below are six of the most common, and crucial, questions you can answer with Uberflip Enrichment. 

1. What content should I create for specific segments or targets?

With Uberflip, you can quickly assess content performance.  How’s your newest content doing—are people finding it? Is it as popular as your best pieces? Does it require more promotion, or is this piece just a dud? (Hey, it happens to everyone.) 

While content performance metrics are strong indicators you’re on the right track, knowing more about your readers can better inform your content and marketing strategies going forward.  

Adding data from your MAP and intent data provider, for instance, can provide way more details you need to determine the type of content that resonates with your audiences. Both generally and in more specific terms, you can learn what they’re interested in learning from your company. 

Using enrichment, your marketing team gets the data they need to focus efforts on the right content for the right audience—however you define and measure it. 

2. Which audiences convert best?

While we’re discussing audiences, some should be weighted more heavily than others. For example, garnering the attention of the market should always be top of mind with demand gen marketers, but what you’re really after is the prospect-to-customer conversion path. The real value of your content is how effectively you’re educating your future buyer. 

Enrichment + Uberflip helps you identify problem points in your content streams where buyers have decided they just aren’t that into you. By giving you insights into what converts and what doesn’t for that audience, it shortcuts the guessing game: your team can use similar content for similar purposes until it no longer performs. 

Plus, you’ll know when it stops working (audiences are a fickle bunch) because your insights show you when trends start to change. 

3. What’s the return on investment for my demand gen/content creation activities?

ROI is a hot topic when it comes to content. Is your content actually delivering results that drive revenue? Or are you locked in the hamster wheel of quantity over quality? While buyers do independent research to learn about ways to solve their current business problems, the expectation is the vendor provides value-added content most of the time. This doesn’t mean it has to be boring, but it does need to answer their questions head-on. 

With Uberflip Analytics, content engagement metrics enable your team to analyze how your content is being consumed. This is table stakes for a content experience platform— analytics on content engagement. 

For example, when reviewing content engagement, I can see over the last three months that visitors have shifted from engaging with ABM topics to content more focused on sales engagement (listed as “sales content effectiveness”) and demand generation. This is great insight to share with our go-to-market (GTM) teams for outreach, developing discovery questions BDRs can use to further define the prospect, or probing questions for reps as to how current GTM motions have been working.

Of course, engagement metrics alone aren’t enough to really understand content performance. Adding in enriched data fills in the blanks about who’s engaging with your content. But “who” here is not limited to name and email address.

Enrichment data can give you additional characteristics of your audience, like their company size (in terms of both number of employees and revenue), title, and the location from which they’re engaging you. With this info, your content team can dedicate their time to crafting similar content for lookalike audiences—or better, repurposing similar, existing content to test with lookalike audiences.


4. Are our buyer personas and segments accurate?

One of the cardinal sins of product marketing is inventing a persona rather than discovering it. How do you avoid this costly mistake? Data enrichment can help.

Once you’ve enriched your data and analyzed content engagement, you should have a more accurate picture of the personas most likely to engage with your content. Insights like this can be used to inform your segmentation strategy and content for emails, ads, and sales outreach. They can even develop lookalike audiences for new regions or markets. 

5. What content is (or isn’t) resonating with each segment?

In The State of B2B Content, 2022, Forrester reports that 47% of marketers feel like novices when it comes to measuring how content resonates with their audiences. That’s why a customer engagement platform (CEP) should include content engagement metrics out of the box to be considered a serious contender for your business. 

Uberflip reveals how your content performs on its own, as part of a campaign, or in a stream as well as the preferred format. Thanks to enrichment, you can add in the detail of persona, company, and location. Your marketed budget also becomes clear because if you’re tagging content related to jobs to be done or a more traditional marketing funnel, you’ll be able to tie content performance directly to sales opportunities and in turn to pipeline and revenue. 

6. Where should I be investing my resources?

The answer to this question feels like a moving target. But that doesn’t mean we can, or should, sidestep addressing it. 

With enrichment and content performance metrics, your marketing team can analyze different aspects of your audience and marketing to develop an overall content strategy that supports your broader marketing strategy. As we mentioned, persona and segment confirmation is a big part of that analysis, but now you can dig into which personas prefer learning through video, podcasts, blogs, or other types of content. (VR experiences? Tiktok?) 

For example, you can confirm the major players of your buying committee are engaging in some way with your content—either through Uberflip marketing streams or through Uberflip’s sales engagement tool, Sales Assist, which also lets you see who sellers are sending content to. 

You can also put a finer point on your content and marketing plans by targeting audiences in specific locations who’re particularly responsive to what you’re saying. Are you a US company seeing activity from the UK or Australia? It might be worth investing the time in localising the spelling.  

Finally, you can use these insights to gain an understanding of where you’re seeing problems. Is there a consistent roadblock along a specific stage of the buyer journey? With the data available, your MOPs team can help normalize data from your revenue system and Uberflip to provide insight into trends. Then you can start to address it.

Data can be an overwhelming topic. But coming up with strategic and tactical questions to answer with your data can reveal where your team should focus their efforts for better engagement, shorter sales cycle, and better returns on your marketing efforts.