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Your No-Fear Guide to Scaling Personalized Content for ABM [ebook]

Is the idea of creating hundreds of pieces of personalized content for your account-based marketing strategy keeping you up at night? Check out our no-fear guide to scaling personalized content now!

Alright, let’s talk ABM. If you’re doing it, you know it can be a massive undertaking. But the rewards you reap when it’s done right are worth the extra time you put into planning, strategizing, and implementing account-based marketing.

And while a lot has been solved for on the planning, segmentation, alignment, and results fronts, the concept of personalization at scale is what’s keeping many of today’s marketers up at night.

If you’re planning to do ABM at scale, you know you’ll need potentially thousands of pieces of content and countless personalized experiences for each and every one. I know I don’t have time to tailor a piece of content for every single target account. And it looks like other marketers agree.

A recent survey of B2B marketers engaging in an ABM strategy showed that while creating content by account segment is one of the most effective strategies for engaging target accounts, it’s also one of the most difficult to execute.

We call this ebook Your No-Fear Guide to help you take the pressure off yourself. We’ll walk you through how to scale personalized content for ABM. Our goal is to eliminate your content personalization fears so you can provide tailored, targeted experiences for your best prospects without losing sleep over the creation of hundreds of pieces of content.

Because ain’t nobody got time for that.


About the Author

Christine is an experience-obsessed marketer. She was Uberflip's Director of Content, where creating engaging content experiences for marketers was a challenge she accepted daily. She believes that if you can't attract, engage, and compel that next action with your content, then why bother? She also has a thing for pugs, but who doesn't.

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