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How do I align content to the buyer’s journey?

This is one of the most common questions that we get asked at Uberflip, and for good reason.

As the buyer’s journey becomes more complex, marketers can leverage content at each stage of the funnel to build relationships and influence conversion. Regardless of what your strategy is—inbound, outbound, ABM or the technologies you use to power these strategies—you’re ultimately only as good as your content.

This week on Frequently Asked Fridays, VP of Marketing, Mike Waldron shares the steps marketers need to take to align their content to the buyer’s journey. 

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Run a content audit

Trust us, you have more content than you think. A content audit allows you to organize and quickly find the content you need. There are typically four steps to this process: 

  • Create a spreadsheet to map out your content
  • Use your selected KPIs to measure what’s working and what isn’t
  • Purge old content and clean up duplicates
  • Tag your content based on segmentation of your choosing to make finding the right content a breeze

“Regardless of what your strategy is—inbound, outbound, ABM or the technologies you use to power these strategies—you’re ultimately only as good as your content.” 

Map your content out to your buyer’s journey

In short, the goal of aligning your content to the buyer's journey is to drive your customers from A to B; in a sales funnel, you'll be driving your prospects from awareness to purchase. You can also apply these principles to Customer Marketing, where your journey stages likely include: onboarding, adoption, retention and advocacy.

Create a basic spreadsheet where you can map out the types of content you’re going to deliver at each stage. For example, we at Uberflip lead with persona or pain-related content at the awareness stage. We then layer on use cases and customer examples during the consideration stage. We then share product-led content at the purchase stage.

In your matrix, place your buyer’s journey on the vertical axis, and the types of content on your horizontal axis. You can then layer in channel data as some assets may perform better on certain channels. 

Keep looking at the data

Performance reporting will help you optimize towards what works. When you implement your content matrix, you may find that certain content types perform better when shared further upstream than you originally thought. You'll have the data to help you make a well-informed decision. Keep reviewing content performance, tweak and optimize to improve those engagement and conversion metrics, and keep on driving your viewers through the buyer journey. 

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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