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Content's role at every stage of the buyer journey [podcast]

In this episode of The Marketer’s Journey, I interview Dayna Rothman. Dayna is CMO at OneLogin, but started her career, and identifies still, as a content marketer. For marketers, traditional paths to C-Suite roles start in growth or product marketing, but Dayna doesn’t want content marketers to discount their unique skill set. With the evolution of content in business, we’re now utilizing content at every stage at the buyer journey and it’s important to understand the role and impact of content marketing on our business.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Don’t discount your passion and your drive. It’s a key motivating factor on why people would hire you, even if you don’t necessarily have the right experience.
  • Content marketing is definitely not the most direct route to becoming a CMO, but content marketing skills are so unique and valuable. Focus on understanding demand generation and how your content drives results and you can be on the C-suite path if that is your goal.
  • We’re no longer just creating top of funnel content. The desire to consume content has increased exponentially and buyers want to engage with custom content throughout the decision-making process.

Check out this and other episodes of The Marketer’s Journey on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, and Google Play

About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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