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Is your Sales team using your content?

How many times have you been asked by your sales team for a piece of content? 

It might be frustrating for you to be the gatekeeper of content, but at least they’re using it, which is a victory all in itself. According to Sirius Decisions, 77% of B2B marketing organizations create content that goes unused. 

You’re investing a lot of money into creating awesome content, so let’s make sure it doesn’t lose its impact in the final hurdle of distribution. This week on Frequently Asked Fridays, VP of Marketing, Mike Waldron explains how you can empower your sales team with content. 

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Content's relationship with Sales

Just as marketers strive to be a part of prospects' buying moments at the top of the funnel, the sales team needs to send the right content to the right buyer at the right time at the bottom of the funnel to be sucessful. At some point during the buyer's journey, we hand off our relationship to the sales team and it's imperative that, from the buyer's perspective, that transition is seamless. That means empowering Sales to keep sending that relevant content. 

The power couple of sales enablement

To ensure that the sales team has everything they need in order to continue nurturing relationships at the bottom of the funnel, the marketing team needs to provide two things: 

  • Content
  • Data 

Easy access to content

According to McKinsey, we spend 1.8 hours every day searching and gathering information. In a world where good timing is a major factor in the sales team's success, the ability to quickly find content is absolutely essential. Store your content in a centralized location to reduce the amount of time that the sales team spends looking for it. Go a step further and tag your content based on key filters like persona and industry to make finding content even more efficient.

Power your content recommendations with data

Data helps you identify which content is best to send to your buyers. At Uberflip, we leverage three main data sources to help our sales teams to choose the right content and personalize their outreach: 

  • Intent: Knowing which topics and keywords an account is interested in is particularly beneficial at the top of the funnel, and it also provides sales with some insights as to what drove that initial engagement. 
  • Content consumption: Understanding what topics an account is interacting with allows the sales rep to not only send additional relevant content, but to personalize their experience accordingly. 
  • Campaign engagement: This provides visibility into which campaigns a buyer has engaged with and the theme of those campaigns. For example, if somebody has attended a webinar on ABM and a workshop on sales enablement, the rep would have a good idea as to what their main interests are.

Empower your sales teams with content and insights

With the right data and easy access to content, sales can be empowered to continue that highly personalized content experience that the marketing team kicked off at the top of the funnel. 

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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