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Multi-channel ad experience template

It’s true what they say—teamwork makes the dream work. It’s no coincidence that the most successful campaigns we’ve run at Uberflip are also the ones where our team has rallied together around one common goal. So I want to share something we’ve been using to make that process a whole lot easier. 

This template was born last year when our marketing team launched the first-ever Content Experience Report. It was unlike anything we’d ever done before and we wanted to give it the splashy launch it deserved. So. in addition to a post-download nurture, an ABM play for target accounts, printed mini-reports for our booth at events, a webinar series, a new talk track from our CMO, and tons of supporting content, we wanted to make sure our ad strategy was on lock and we were hitting the right people on the right channels at the right time. 

Between our Demand and Content teams, we created this spreadsheet to ensure we were aligned on everything from messaging, to audience, to budget. Now we use it every time we launch a major campaign. Here’s what it looks like:

Screenshot of chart outlining ad details for Facebook, LinkedIn, Terminus, Google, and Bing

How To Use This Template

  • Decide which advertising channels you’ll be using, and add or remove rows as needed
  • Think through who you’re going to target, what they’re going to see on each channel, and the destinations you’ll be sending them to
  • Make sure the ads your audience is seeing on each channel align with where they are in the customer journey (and that they’re not seeing too many at once)
  • At the end of the month, use the second tab to report on what worked and what didn’t, and adjust your messaging, targeting, and creative accordingly

Ready to get started? Make a copy of the template for yourself here

NOTE: Make sure to go to File > Make a Copy of this template so you can create an editable document of your own!