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When it comes to content experience, your CMS alone won’t cut it

If a blog post is published in a content hub and no one can find it, does it even exist? Reach your buyers with relevant, personalized, and engaging content at scale by connecting your CMS to a content experience platform.

In this article: 

As a B2B marketer, you know the drill: identify your prospects’ pains, set an objective, and launch a campaign to lead buyers towards purchase. Easy peasy, right? So, why isn’t your campaign moving the needle? The answer might be in your tech stack... not your content. 

Content fuels the buyer journey and helps your prospects move with confidence through each stage of the sales cycle. But creating high-impact content should only be the starting point of your content strategy. Modern B2B buyers expect the whole content experience to be personalized, relevant, and engaging. Traditional content management software is built for the purpose of creating content. A content experience platform (CEP) is built to accelerate the buyer journey and increase pipeline. Adding a content experience platform to your tech stack will take your high-value content and surface it to the right buyer at the right time.  

Every B2B marketing campaign needs a dynamic, bingeworthy content experience—and you need the right tech partner to help you provide a personalized experience at scale. Here’s how you can supercharge your content performance by integrating a content experience platform into your tech stack. 

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Supercharge your CMS with a CEP

I know you recognize the value of great content, and I’m glad that you are investing in high-quality content for your buyers! But if you’re not creating personalized content experiences around your content, you’re leaving money on the table. 

Let’s say you need to build a landing page for your lead-generation campaign—and you need to do it quickly, because you’re set to go live in three days. You want to create a nurture path using a curated selection of content from your resource center and dynamically personalize the experience for each prospect. Can you accomplish that alone with your CMS or do you need to loop in a developer, a designer, and a member of your demand gen team?

No one has time for that. You also don’t have time to guess if you’re taking the right approach, distributing through the right channels, or curating the right content. A CEP is a scalable solution because it lets you move fast, yes, but it also gives you intelligence into your buyer’s preferences and habits at the content level so you can maximize the impact of your content. It leverages powerful AI-powered recommendations to move your audience through the buyer journey and ultimately deliver the experience they’re looking for.   

In today’s marketing landscape, relevance matters most to your buyers. You need to be quick, agile, and precise to capitalize on market opportunities. I’m not saying you should scrap your CMS—the opposite, actually. I’m saying you can close gaps, streamline campaign deployment, and take more control over your content destinations by plugging your existing CMS into a CEP. And did I mention that a CEP lets you launch your content destination in just minutes? 



Manage the content experience without tampering with your site’s CMS

Campaign landing pages have earned a reputation for bogging down developers’ time and slowing down campaign launches; and they come by it honestly. Many B2B marketing teams rely on dev support to make site changes no matter how big or small, or to create new destinations from scratch for each campaign. You should have more control over the entire content experience without having to ping your dev team.

A CEP allows you to surface all of the great content you’ve created for your audience and create a customized content destination for your audience without having to rely on dev support. With your content centralized and organized in one place, anyone on your sales or marketing team can sort through all of your most current and approved content and cherry pick the most relevant pieces to create curated content destinations for any type of campaign. 

Personalize content experiences at scale

According to Forrester, 63% of buyers will disregard content if it isn’t relevant to their needs, industry, or role. Today’s B2B buyers expect you to go beyond personalized greetings and speak directly to their business needs with your content marketing. Today, content personalization means demonstrating to your B2B buyers that you know and understand their issues. To get this part of the strategy right, you need to personalize the whole content experience from first touch to conversion, not just the body copy in your email greeting. So, when it’s time to scale personalized campaigns, B2B marketers who don’t have a CEP in their tech stack have a much more complex job. 

Customize your content experience to your viewers’ interests using AI-powered content recommendations that respond to each prospect’s behaviors and preferences to keep your buyers engaged with your content for longer; enable your Sales and Customer Engagement teams to create personalized content destinations for their key accounts with hand-picked content for their key accounts in just minutes; or go even further by connecting your CEP to an intent data provider such as 6sense to create a dynamically personalized experience driven by your consumers’ data. This will help you achieve a level of personalization that just isn’t possible when you build manual content experiences

Enrich your performance data with customer insights from your CRM

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could put a name to the flurry of user IDs in your content reports, and understand the “who” behind the data? At Uberflip, we’re breaking down data silos to bring you a more holistic view of your customers’ consumption behavior. Learn more about how to enrich your consumer data by integrating Marketo and Uberflip. Here’s the short version: 

A CEP can help you couple your high-quality content with your audience’s consumption data to allow you to dynamically personalize the buying experience from every channel, at scale. When you connect your CRM such as Marketo, you can enrich your performance data within Uberflip Analytics with customer data to get a more holistic view. That means you can attribute performance to your known contacts and drive deeper insights about how they are interacting with your content. Drill into data seamlessly so you can optimize results and drive better pipeline velocity… all within Uberflip Analytics

Understand exactly which content and topics your buyers care about with user-friendly dashboards and reports enriched with your CRM data, all within Uberflip Analytics. Drill down into your data to view performance by industry, company or contact to find meaningful trends to inform your content strategy.

Take the pain out of building content destinations

I’m not here to convince you of the power of great content marketing; as a B2B marketer, I know you’re already creating powerful B2B content for your buyers. I’m here to help you drive even more value from your content marketing strategy by giving your content the world-class content experience it deserves—without needing a team of web developers to do it. You don’t have to take it from me. Check out how Uberflip clients are using content experiences to accelerate the buyer journey and increase pipeline.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a demo with Uberflip today to find out how we can help you accelerate you buyer journey by creating personalized, relevant, and engaging content destinations. 


About the Author

Yoav Schwartz is a co-founder of Uberflip and spent 11 years as CEO where he drove the mission, vision, and goals of the company.

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