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Uberflip & Pardot: Integrating Better Insights for Smarter Lead Nurturing

Marketing automation is often only as good as the insights that you feed it. With better insights, we can prioritize higher quality leads in order to maximize marketing automation's potential, and minimize wasted attention and resources.

That's why we're proud to include Pardot among the integrations that we offer with the Uberflip platform. Now if you're a Pardot user you can produce greater lead scoring accuracy based on how each visitor interacts with your online brand within your content hub.  

If you're using Pardot's marketing automation suite, here's how you can connect your Hub to feed lead data directly to your Pardot nurturing campaign.

Let's get started. 

Setting Up Your Pardot Integration

Pardot can be synced with your Hub's Form CTAs to funnel the lead data that they collect directly to your Pardot database and trigger your automated lead nurture campaigns.

First, you'll need to head over to the Integrations section of your Hub and click "Connect" next to Pardot to  enter your Pardot credentials (email and password),  API User key, Account ID and Campaign ID.

You can get this information from Pardot:

  • Your API User Key can be found here under My User Information 
  • Your Account ID (piAId) and Campaign ID (piCId) can be found here.  Just click View Tracking Code, and you can find the IDs you need within the code. 

Note: At this time, you can only attribute one campaign ID for your entire Hub, but our built-in metrics are still available to help you gauge how each CTA is performing in your Hub.      

Creating Your Pardot Form CTA

Creating a Pardot Form CTA works much the same as our other marketing automation integrations. Just head over the Call-to-actions  part of your Hub and add a new Form CTA by selecting Pardot.

Customizing the layout and design of your Pardot Form CTAs works the same as it does for other Form CTAs. You can adjust the color, font size, placement, and more. However, field management is slightly different for Pardot.

To add custom fields beyond the default options, you have to first create them in Pardot before you set up the CTA and then manually add them in using the exact (case-sensitive) label you used in Pardot. You can do this by clicking the Add Custom Field button on this page and filling out the Create Custom Field Form

Leveraging Your Pardot Form CTA

Once you've successfully created Your Pardot Form CTAs, you can start using them to generate new leads.

Build a Subscriber List 

Every successful lead nurturing campaign starts with generating a subscriber list that brings leads into your sales funnel. By using CTAs that make sense in the context of your Marketing Stream, you can increase the likelihood of visitors converting into subscribers.

For example, the CTA below would be most compelling in a Marketing Stream dedicated to Blogging topics:

You also have the option to feature a CTA at the item level so that the CTA remains in the visitor's experience of your content as they watch your video tutorials or scroll through your blog posts. How and when you want to position your CTAs is entirely in your hands.   

Gate Your Premium Content

Your best content (ebooks, white papers, webinars) can be leveraged to gather leads by asking for information in return. 

Most times this is achieved by bringing visitors to an external landing page, breaking them away from the experience of consuming your content.

However, Hub's Overlay CTAs offer an alternative that lets you ask for information without removing visitors from your content. You can determine whether to present a delay before asking visitors for information and whether the Form CTA should be mandatory or optional to fill out.

Accurate Lead Scoring and Better Segmentation

Your Hub lets you connect all your content into a cohesive experience. This is a a great way to deliver more accurate lead nurturing campaigns based on each visitor's interests, level of engagement, behavioral patterns and so on all in the experience you create with your Hub.

There are plenty of behaviors Pardot tracks that you can use to set rules and score leads to better understand your prospects. One feature worth mentioning with Pardot is the ability to track and set rules based on how much time a visitor spends with a piece of content. This can help you qualify engagement to avoid nurturing dead ends.

By using the available tools in tandem with the content experience that you create with Hubs, marketing automation works faster, smarter, and creates better lead nurturing campaigns by providing more relevant messaging and insights.

About the Author

Jermaine Reyes is the Content Marketing Manager at Nextopia. Jermaine keeps both eyes open to emerging, disruptive technologies and the simple fundamentals of planning and executing well.

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