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How marketers react like lightning with Uberflip

Blog: How Brands can React like Lightning with Uberflip

Some years, a new iPad comes out and everyone is agog about it. Other years, a pandemic upends life as we know it. If you’re feeling down about your ability to predict which kind of years are which, don’t worry. You are far from alone. In 2008, one of the most illustrious groups of economists in the U.S. gave the country a 1 in 500 chance of being in a recession… three months into one. 

So if you can’t predict catastrophes any better than economists, there is at least a way to come out on top: It’s being able to react like lightning. 

Going from fragile to agile

First, a quick recap of how Uberflip works, otherwise this article won’t make much sense. Uberflip lets you surface the right content and quickly—often automatically—pull it together into content destinations that can be distributed to your audience.

That means when there’s a sudden global financial panic because some ludicrously complicated financial instruments tanked, you’ve got something relevant to say (that you’ve already said before). And when a certain Lone Star State is swathed in ice and without power, you have a message.

Uberflip lets you react—quickly. For example, say:

1. All travel and in-person events are canceled

You can reimagine your physical events as digital ones without building everything from scratch. Uberflip allows you to quickly publish a landing page-like campaign destination that auto-populates with relevant existing content from your library. Simply set the keywords, and everything shows up. This buys you time to search your well-tagged library to find relevant pre-existing topics that are shown to convert, and choose one as your digital event topic.

2. There’s a sudden cyberattack 

Say a certain vital oil pipeline is knocked out by state-sponsored cyberterrorists. React quickly by removing all your humorous content from the region affected, across all of your properties. And if you sell something relevant to combating cyberterror, put that somewhat-dated-but-still-relevant white paper about infrastructure attacks back in circulation across all 52 of your online landing pages and destinations.

This is precisely why Fortinet, a network security provider, uses Uberflip—to help their small but mighty content team react instantly to newsworthy threats. 

3. A public health disaster emerges

Some crises disproportionately affect a particular vertical—like pandemics and healthcare, or pandemics and manufacturers. Use Uberflip to quickly get a hastily-written story about manufacturers creating personal protective equipment (PPE) out across all your channels. Or, use it to distribute newly-edited ebooks and infographics that now show your lovely stock photo models wearing masks.

At the same time, you can quickly spin up vertical-specific campaigns without needing to create all-new assets. You can discover what you already have in your content library (and if you’re on top of things, it’s already tagged as “Fresh,” “Needs updating,” or “Stale”) and create several campaign-specific content hubs and destinations. 

In the video below, Uberflip’s own Michael Waldron explains how his demand team used a combination of DemandbaseOne, SalesLoft, LinkedIn, and Uberflip to quickly target manufacturers. 


4. A global crisis—climate or otherwise—strikes (again)

Use the data you’ve collected on your buyers to retain the customers who are hardest hit. Specifically, identify their challenges (the content topics they spend time on) and surface more relevant content to help them use your services to weather hard times (pun not intended.)

That’s more or less how Laura Brockway of the malpractice firm TMLT retained doctors during the COVID-19 crisis. Many physicians, because of closures, couldn’t keep their offices open. Laura identified the physicians affected using web visit, email, and content interaction data. TMLT quickly developed new products to meet their new needs, and she used Uberflip to create experiences that spoke exactly to what those physicians were feeling.



5. One of your big channels suddenly disappears

We’ve already covered how the pandemic ended in-person events, but what about the other big channel that nearly disappeared in 2020—TikTok? After being banned twice, it was ultimately spared. And while TikTok isn’t exactly core to a lot of B2B marketers’ stacks, it’s conceivable that other channel bans could happen. Think about the disruption the end of third-party cookies has caused for site tracking, or the CAN-SPAM act once did for email. 

Luckily you can use Uberflip to make each of your remaining channels far more effective. Today, most marketers spend most of their time getting buyers to the destination, be it a landing page, a product page, or what have you. But very few spend time making that landing experience bingeable. And that’s really the core of what Uberflip is about—it has a Netflix-like content recommendation engine that means that your buyers actually see the 11.4 pieces of content they need to convert, no matter which channel they arrive from.

6. Business borders change

Marketers who read history know that borders aren’t fixed, even today. Russia’s incursion reshaped Ukraine. And the UK recently made a bumbling exit from the European Union. 

No matter the situation, you can use Uberflip to help businesses understand what has changed and how they can adapt. It goes without saying that the intent here should be to be sensitive and tactful—do not aim to market. Aim to help. The CMO of Unqork, Alex Schmelkin, recently joined us on our podcast to talk through finding that balance (below).

7. Social movements demand you take a stand

When social movements arise and your brand has a not tone-deaf position, stand up and be an ally. We’re not going to say that Uberflip is the key here, because it is not. It’ll help you surface content, but it cannot help you figure out your position. And it won’t tell you to stop before you publish a hastily-written and possibly insensitive missive, like IDEO’s promise to reevaluate its “white-dominant culture,” which many within the company felt was too little too late

8. Nothing happens. It’s a normal day

Which is like, okay what’s the catch? What don't I know? Is Twitter down? But in all seriousness, the same agile tools that allow you to react quickly to big events also allow you to react automatically to mundane events, like a target account showing up. With Uberflip, if intent data tells you an in-market financial services firm just landed on your site, you can serve up timely topics. And even more interesting, if you know (via intent data) that a current customer is out there evaluating a competitor, you can reach out proactively and serve up a competitive asset. Like this

Agility is having an angle

This story isn’t all about doom and gloom. It’s more about being agile and coming out ahead in a world where crises occur with increasing regularity. It’s being able as marketers to tell stories at the drop of a hat, and surface and repurpose existing content with ease. Regardless of your brand strategy, your content is the key player in how your brand is represented, and it travels a lot further than press releases. If you have the tools to display what’s relevant and necessary, and have a message when your competitors are still scrambling to write something new, you’re in a position to evolve from fragile to agile.

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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