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The Big Book of Personalized Marketing Examples

Ready to take your personalization approach beyond "Hi {First Name}"? In this guide, we look at personalization on a spectrum and show you real-life examples of these strategies in action.

Personalization in marketing has come to mean different things to different people. But the one thing we can all agree on is that personalization equals relevancy—relevant messaging, relevant content, and relevant calls-to-action.

This guide looks at personalization on spectrum, ranging from light segmentation to heavily personalized one-to-one outreach. In it, we walk through some of our favorite personalized marketing examples to show you that building out personalized experiences doesn’t have to be intimidating—it should be exciting.

At the end of the day, calling out someone by name may capture their attention initially, but it’s relevant content that causes people to engage for longer. 

In this guide, you will:

  • Learn how to step up your existing marketing strategy with a little personalization that won’t exhaust your budget (or you)
  • Get an inside look at how our team has taken a multichannel personalization approach to close more deals, faster
  • Dig into top-tier account-level personalization examples and explore the tech they used to make it happen