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6 examples of click-worthy destinations for your marketing campaigns

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In a demand focused role, it can often feel like your list of priorities is never-ending. As soon as one campaign is out the door, the next deadline is creeping right behind. And most marketers would agree that nothing throws a wrench into your workflow like spending hours (or sometimes days) waiting on the creation of landing pages or microsites to use for your campaigns.

It’s a reality that creating digital content destinations is a challenge for marketers—only 1 in 2 marketing leaders say that their teams are able to easily create landing pages, blog posts, webpages, and other content experiences. And of those, 36% reported that while they can create digital content destinations, they can’t do so without the help of IT.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Below are six examples of click-worthy content destinations built using Uberflip that not only took moments for the marketers behind them to build, but are also optimized for accelerating buyer journeys with engaging content delivery. 

1. Email nurture campaign destination

In a traditional email nurture sequence, marketers typically send buyers one piece of content at a time, at a weekly cadence, in an attempt to get them closer to the point of purchase. The problem with this—beyond sending people to static and unengaging destinations—is dictating the frequency at which prospects can consume your content. 

Using a content experience platform to power the destination behind your nurture campaigns makes it easy to give your buyers access to multiple pieces of content that they can self-guide through at their own pace. Take a look at the example below from our friends at Blackbaud. Last we checked, this campaign destination has helped generate over $100,000 in pipeline and received an average of seven content pieces consumed per visit. 

With this type of nurture experience, it takes seconds to swap out content. It’s optimal for getting people to consume multiple items in one session. 

Screenshot of email and arrow pointing to digital content destination

2. Weekly content reveals

Weekly content reveals time and again prove to be an interesting and engaging way to generate leads and tee them up for return visits. It operates much like an on-demand webinar (but better), and you can schedule multiple pieces of content to be released at a regular cadence.

Releasing videos, blogs, podcasts, and other pieces of content in installments gives your audience a reason to come back for more while doling out your content offering in digestible segments. In one of our favorite (and most successful) content reveal campaigns to date, Nurture Next, we used Uberflip to easily spin up a campaign destination that was optimized for consuming multiple pieces of content in one session. A destination that would normally take a developer days to code took a marketer on our team just a few minutes.

Email with arrow pointing to digital content destination

3. Webinar follow-up

I’m sure you’re familiar with the sense of urgency to send follow-up to attendees and registrants quickly after a webinar, and often the time crunch gets in the way of creating webinar follow-up that’s truly engaging and valuable. 

A great way to approach this is by packaging the recording in a content destination curated on the same topic. This way, highly engaged attendees can do a deep dive into relevant blog posts and reports, getting more and more familiar with your company and moving them towards a deeper focus on your product. That’s way more engaging than just a recording or slide deck. 

In the example below, you can see how CollabNet VersionOne nails this by also including CTA tiles that link to free trials of their products. The cherry on top is the additional personalization in the stream header. When you’re using a content experience platform, personalizing content destinations for your target accounts couldn’t be easier—whether you’re using dynamic personalization apps or even manually building.

Email with arrow pointing to personalized digital content destination 4. Event sign-ups

Sometimes customers and prospects need a little extra convincing when it comes to getting them out to an event. In the screenshot below, see how our friends at Stantec have used a content destination to drive interest in their presence at the Florida Water Resources annual conference. 

While this highly polished destination looks like it was put together exclusively for the event, the beauty is that this is all repurposed content, packaged together in one contained experience branded for this event. You’ll notice that in the description section, they’ve highlighted what they’ll be doing at the event, along with where to find their booth and presentations, which contextualizes the experience. 

Screenshot of digital content destination about the Florida Water Resources conference

5. Event follow-up

Post-tradeshow outreach is another demand initiative that requires timely follow-up. But after the hustle and bustle of an event, the last thing you want to do is spend your time executing a meticulous follow-up strategy. Many marketers (ourselves included) have found that a curated content destination is a perfect solution. 

Much like in the pre-event example from Stantec above, there wasn’t any new content created to power the content destinations below. And, you have to admit, both are way more engaging than a generic “thanks for stopping by our booth” marketing email or cold outreach from a BDR. 

In this example, look at how CollabNet VersionOne followed up with Agile2019 attendees with a collection of resources including their own state of agile report, some relevant blog posts and videos, and a call-to-action for highly engaged attendees to watch a live demo of their product. 

Email with arrow pointing to digital content destination

After Uberflip’s annual conference, Conex, we took a similar route when it came to engaging attendees. The event was super well-received, but a lot of people didn’t know about us—the producers of the event—yet. So we targeted ads at attendees who weren’t customers of ours and sent them to a curated content destination to meet Uberflip, the folks who presented the conference they had just attended. 

In our execution, we leveraged a design style similar to our event branding, and replicated that design style on our content destination filled with our product videos and one-pager takeaways. Sending people to a generic landing page just wouldn’t have been as impactful! 

Display ads with arrow pointing to digital content destination with matching branding

6. Account-based outreach

One of the most powerful ways to leverage a content destination for your marketing campaigns is for account-based marketing. Most marketers approach ABM with highly targeted ads, direct mail, and email outreach, only to send people to a generic landing page where engagement typically drops off. 

When targeting a particular account, like Pepsi in the example below, Snowflake uses personalized ads to drive target accounts to an account-based content destination curated based on their goals and challenges. By leveraging content they already have in their library, it takes them only minutes to spin up a destination that will not only capture their target buyer’s attention, but keep it. 

Personalized ad with arrow pointing to personalized stream

Adopting a new approach 

One of the most dangerous phrases in marketing is, “We’ve always done it this way.” So unless your landing pages are yielding remarkably high conversion rates, there’s no harm in experimenting with something new. Knowing how much you can improve your speed to launch, accelerate buyer journeys, and take full control of your content and campaigns should be all the more reason to try a new approach! 😉 

Want to learn more about how a content experience platform like Uberflip can help you achieve your goals? Get started here!