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Tests We're Running This Month!

Our tests of late have been mainly of the email variety but who says a test has to be complicated to be worthwhile? Certainly not me :)

Email Subject Lines - Premium Asset Launch

What we did: Last month we launched a shiny new asset—The Big Book of Personalized Marketing Examples. So as we do with any major asset launch, we tested two subject lines to see which would produce better open rates.

Version A: {firstname}, it's time to get personal!

Version B: All the personalization examples you'll ever need

Why we did it: We wanted to use a personalization token in the email subject line for the launch of our latest personalization ebook, but we weren't convinced that would be the winner. Personally, I like reading about examples so I would have bet money that highlighting that this guide was chockfull of them would make Version B a clear-cut winner.

Results: As it turns out, Version B was the winner by a very small margin. 

Learnings: If I've learned anything from reviewing and reporting on test after test, it's that you never really know which way the chips are going to fall. That's why we continue to test each and every time. 

Email Subject Lines - ABM Survey

What we did: We partnered with Engagio on the 2020 Account-Based Marketing Research Study (there's still time to fill that out here!) and so we emailed a specific segment with this offer. We wanted the most engagement possible so we tested two subject lines.

Version A: 2020 Account-Based Engagement Market Research Study

Version B: We want to hear from you! ABM Outlook Survey

Why we did it: We wanted to try a straight-forward approach that highlighted participation in a market research study versus something a bit more human-to-human. We tend to think of surveys as all business but if you're asking someone for a serious time commitment (as most research surveys are) you need to reach out to them as a person.

Results: In the end, Version B won by a significant margin.

Tests results from subject line test

Learnings: Maybe it's the shorter subject line, but I'd guess there's something much more personal about Version B that may even make you feel like you're doing another human a favor. Plus who doesn't like to feel needed?!

That's it, that's all, that's what we have for you this month. I hope you're inspired to continue building a culture of testing and experimentation on your team, even if it's just you!