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Smart Marketing With Smart Filters

Great marketing means having full control over your content in order to create amazing content experiences for your audience. Unfortunately, there’s often a catch: The better your experiences become, the more time and effort they will need in order to maintain… that is, until now!

We’ve released a game-changing new feature called Smart Filters. A Smart Filter allows you to categorize content into a marketing stream in your Uberflip Hub based on specific keyword or phrase. In other words, you can use Smart Filters to manage your content without ever lifting a finger, creating super targeted marketing streams about a specific topic or idea.

With Smart Filters you’re able to automatically:

  1. Add content to a Marketing Stream

  2. Feature content

  3. Hide content

To get started, select the Smart Filter icon at the top of the Hubs Management section of your Uberflip account.

There are a number of ways to use Smart Filters, and the best option for you will depend on what experience you are trying to create. Below are a few examples of how to use Smart Filters and help get you started.

Adding content to a Marketing Stream

In your Hub, you can create CMarketing Streams with content related to a specific topic, buyer persona, product and so on. Without a Smart Filter, you would add items to a Marketing Stream by cherry-picking them one-by-one from your feed of content (e.g. blog posts, eBooks, photos). A Smart Filter, on the other hand, lets you do all this automatically.

Let’s say you have a Marketing Stream of just infographics. We’ll now set up our Smart Filter to search through our blog content for the word infographic. When an item matches that criteria, it will then be added to our Infographics Marketing Stream.

And, just like that, we have now populated our Infographics Marketing Stream with all of our infographics! Plus, new infographics will continue to be added as we publish them on our blog.

Featuring content

When you feature an item, it will be pinned to the top of your Hub and be the first thing that a visitor sees. This allows you to greet people with the content that you would most like them to engage with in order to better increase the probability that that content will be seen.

Many people look to Uberflip as experts in content marketing, so it’s a good idea for us to greet people with content related to that topic. In this example, we’ll create a Smart Filter to automatically feature new content from our blog with keyword marketing.

As you can see below, we now have a marketing post in the spotlight when people first come to our Hub! Of course, this doesn’t mean that we are now limited to only featuring content found through the Smart Filter – we can still manually feature content at any point.

Hiding content

Just as important as featuring items is to having control over your content, so too is the ability to hide content. For this example, let’s pretend that we’re McDonald’s. In our Hub, we have a Twitter Stream for our customers’ tweets. Since we’re such a large company, you can imagine how much work it would take to manually hide tweets that we don’t want in our Hub from our millions of followers. So, let’s set up a Smart Filter instead.

To start, let’s set up a Smart Filter to block tweets related to one of our competitors, Burger King.

And, just like that, there’ll now be no mention of Burger King in our Hub! While we’re at it, we can create more Smart Filters for other competitors of ours as well. Then, we can start filtering out bad press with Smart Filters for keywords like bad, terrible, rude and so on!

Take control of your marketing (without the work)

Just like everything we do at Uberflip, we built Smart Filters to give you more advanced control over your marketing while at the same time making it easier for you. We’re thrilled to give you this much-requested feature and to see all the great ways it’s able to help you.

Have any other great use cases for Smart Filters that weren’t mentioned? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!