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Engage prospects in the buyer’s journey with personalized content streams

In today’s economy, where every purchase is being scrutinized, marketers are grappling with renewed challenges when trying to generate demand. So, how can they truly stand out and get the attention of increasingly cautious buyers? One answer is better storytelling, which hinges on content. But there’s a caveat: not all content is created equal. In fact, it must be highly relevant in order to do its job to educate and attract buyers. Here’s why personalized content microsites can make all the difference in your storytelling efforts — and in generating demand. 

Personalized is the key word

At this point, marketers are well aware that their communications must be personalized. But, the issue is that many have a different idea of what personalization really means. For some, they think they’ve checked the box when they’ve stuck a prospect’s name at the top of an email. This is far from good enough, and can often come off as being a bit creepy.

At Uberflip, we define personalization very differently. It should include tailoring your communications to a prospect’s name, company, industry, role, needs, and wants — effectively customizing the end-to-end experience. That’s a little more in-depth than just a name, right?

Here’s an example of personalization gone wrong. I’m on the mailing list for a popular retailer who sent me an email saying, “Hey Jason, you should be excited about our hot fall fashions.” Then, the email proceeded to include (lovely) but not really my style fall dresses and cardigans. Not a fit, but they tried. And clearly, knowing my name did not make this tailored or engaging in the least. This company could have done better, and so can you. 

Features that boost personalization 

To set up your story and personalize optimally, you have to pair your content with context. In other words, you can’t just know the topic that someone might care about — you also need to be aware of the content topics and even the format they like best (e.g. video, text, etc.). When you do this, you can then leverage the following Uberflip features to nail your engagement efforts, including: 

  1. Real-time personalization - Leverage known data about your prospects and customers from a variety of sources, including marketing automation platform, intent data provider, and more. 

  2. Pages - Our native drag and drop website builder that helps you build any bespoke pages you need, without code, in minutes. Being able to quickly design custom visitor experiences can often make the difference between a generic landing page and a truly engaging personalized microsite designed for education.

The art & science of marketing

Together, these features help you get the best of both the art and science of personalization and prospect engagement. All of our extensive data capabilities give you what you need on the science end of the spectrum, while Pages allows you to design the graphics, messaging, and kind of experience your audience would enjoy most. With these tools in your arsenal, you can build out an entire webpage microsite experience to your heart's delight. One that is informed by data and is truly, deeply personalized. 

If you’ve struggled with generating demand, you need to focus more on your storytelling. Prioritize true personalization, craft messages that speak to your audience’s unique needs (while also fulfilling their other preferences like format type) and use our data and Pages features to tie it all together. It won’t actually have a bow on it when you’re done, but it might as well, because the level of personalization and care is truly a gift to your audience. 

Ready to get started? We’d love to help!