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How Cerebral Selling Creates Relevance Through Empathy [Podcast]


Are you a salesperson? You might answer that question by referencing your job title or whether you interact directly with customers. The truth, according to David Priemer, is that regardless of position, everyone is involved in sales.

While your company might be based on selling physical goods or services, your business’ true product includes so much more. Customers are purchasing experiences, interactions, and ultimately a relationship with your business.

David Priemer, Founder and Chief Sales Scientist at Cerebral Selling, joins the Content Experience Show to discuss ways to keep your brand’s message compelling and consistent.

In This Episode:

Every Member of Your Business Contributes to Sales

David encourages listeners to go to some of the key people in their organizations and ask, "What do we do?" and see what they say. Chances are, the variety of answers you get may sound a bit like the game broken telephone. To fix this, David offers some valuable advice on how to get your whole team on the same page when it comes to messaging.

“Have a polarizing belief statement delivered with high conviction. That’s your armor piercing bullet of messages.” — @dpriemer

Empathizing with Your Audience

One of the key messages David talks about a lot—and what’s really the central theme of this episode—is using empathy to create relevance. Anna Hrach asks David an important question: a lot people think that they're empathizing with their audiences, but how can people actually really empathize with their audiences? He provides a simple, yet effective way to know for sure.

If you're in sales and you’re thinking about doing something, stop and ask yourself, if someone used that on you, would it work? — @dpriemer

Selling the Customer Experience

To explain the value of a positive customer experience, David recalls his family’s recent trip to Disney World, and an example of the amazing customer experience they had. He explains how the solution that’s being sold is just the tip of the iceberg, and how it’s really about the total package—the entire customer experience.

“Marketing is not always about pitching, “Okay, here’s what we do,” and it’s more about telling the customer a story about a problem that exists that they have and how you came to solve that problem.” — @dpriemer

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About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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