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How to Create Useful Content That Your Customers Want [Podcast]

Any smart marketer knows that in order to make strategic decisions about what content to create, you need to look at data. The trouble is, many businesses are gathering their data from the wrong place.

While we have access to endless sources of data from reports, ebooks, and studies, the best source of data is actually directly from your customers. When you’re building off data from your own customers, you can ensure you’re offering relevant solutions to their pain points and demonstrating a commitment to a substantial relationship.

Bogdan Zlatkov, Content Marketing Manager of LinkedIn Learning Solutions, joins the Content Experience Show to discuss using data to create useful content.

In This Episode:

Responsibly Using Proprietary Data to Find Trends

Zlatkov shared an example of a campaign he worked on while at AdRoll prior to joining the team at LinkedIn. At AdRoll, his team had access to proprietary data aggregated from all of their customers, which they used to create a calendar of all the CPC and CPM data mapped across the months of December to January. The calendar essentially served as a heat map to show customers where they could get their best bang for their buck for ads during different dates.

Why Ebook Downloads Can Be a Deceptive Metric

While ebooks are a crucial asset for businesses to have, they’re not necessarily people’s preferred form of consuming content, Zlatkov said. People may be downloading your ebooks, but they could be sitting unread on their desktops. That’s why it’s valuable to create multiple assets out of an ebook so people can consume it in different ways.

How LinkedIn Keeps their Content and Products Tied Together

Each piece of content that LinkedIn puts out has a lot of thought and research go into it. Rather than publishing a major asset once every month, sometimes LinkedIn only publishes one ebook in the span of one or two quarters to ensure its quality is top notch.

“Every single piece of content that we come out with is always correlated to a product, and we actually modify the product so that it enhances the content campaign.” — @BogdanYZ

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About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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