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How to Guide the Customer Journey With Content [Podcast]

Content is about storytelling, and just like every other avenue of storytelling, your content should take people on a journey. Many companies focus exclusively on creating top-of-the-funnel content, but what they should be doing is telling stories that engage people at every stage of the marketing funnel.

When you take the time to get to know your audience, you can create content for every stage of the customer journey that speaks to their questions and pain points, guiding them through to the next stage.

Jessica Cross, Manager of Demand Generation at RollWorks, joins the Content Experience Show to discuss using content throughout the entire customer journey.

In This Episode: 

Why Content is Much More Than Just Top-of-Funnel Marketing

For Cross, content marketing is the art of storytelling. Everyone wants to be told a story that they believe in, which is part of the reason she believes that content is so powerful.

“Ideally, content marketing hits on our emotional pain points, and it can guide us through the entire journey.” — @JFayeSF

How to Address Your Customer’s Major Questions Through Your Content

When creating content, so many marketers neglect to ask their customers what they want, and instead, create the content they think their customers want. It should be your goal to not only tell stories that address customer questions, but also instill them with confidence that you’re a company worth working with.

“My aim is that through our content, we’re able to answer a customer’s core questions, and then we’re able to tell a story that resonates as to why our solution should matter.”


Who Should Be in Charge of Content Ideation

There are so many instances where content marketers create content that doesn’t actually end up getting used by anyone on the team. That’s why it’s so important for content ideation to be a collaborative approach.  

“You want to be able to answer customer questions more so than just top-of-funnel acquisition.” — @JFayeSF

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About the Author

Randy Frisch is a co-founder of Uberflip and held many roles, including President and CMO, where he evangelized the content experience.

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