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Tests We're Running This Month!

Maaaay I interest you in another round of test results? Excellent. Let's dive into what the team's been testing this month.

CTA Button Copy — Social Ads

What we did: We've been experimenting with showing engaged leads our G2 standing in the enterprise content experience software category to encourage them to learn or hear more about our product (and move them down the path to purchase). So we used the same creative but sent them to two different places - a demo page and our G2 reviews.

Version A: Request a Demo

Version B: Read Our Reviews

Why we did it: We wanted to see what the more popular next step was for prospects at this stage and which would have a higher click-through rate.

Results: There were 6,746 impressions for this campaign (keep in mind it was a small, targeted audience). The G2 reviews had twice as many clicks as the demo. 

Learnings: For this ad, in particular, the more logical next step (to read the reviews) won out. Keeping it all contextual will ultimately increase conversions.

Landing Page Headlines

What we did: We've been using Google Adwords to direct traffic to landing pages for our core premium assets. We've had some early success but as always, we were looking to optimize the post-click experience for conversions. 

Version A: The Content Conversion Playbook: Your Guide to Converting Inbound Leads with Personalized Experiences

The Content Conversion Playbook

Version B: Get Your Free Content Marketing Guide 

Get Your Free Content Marketing Guide

We made the same change for another asset as well.

Version A: Make the Click Count: Your Guide to Delivering Demand Generation Experiences That Convert

Make the Click Count Landing Page

Version B: Get Your Free Lead Nurturing Guide

Get Your Free Lead Nurturing Guide

Why we did it: In the spirit of improvement and trying to always "be better" we opted to ditch the title of the guide and instead go with something a little less specific but also straight to the point, answering quite literally what we want the visitor to do when they land on the page.  

Results: In the end, shorter IS better. And since using a keyword that matches the search terms the visitor was looking for initially, it's a no-brainer that Version B would produce better results. In the case of the content marketing guide, the increase was marginal but the lead nurturing guide? Oh baby, that one was worth the extra effort. Version B's conversion rate increased from 12.5% to 14.47% conversion rate. That's a whopping 15% improvement.

Woo hoo! Another round of successful tests. I'm curious, have any of you continued testing through all this? Or were tests the first thing to hit the trash bin? Let me know!