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Using Uberflip to elevate your onboarding experience

Four coworkers welcoming a new client.It’s possible that, up until this point, you’ve thought of content as something that serves primarily as a way to help move leads through your funnel; or, maybe, as something that further enhances how your existing customers experience your product or service throughout their lifetime. While it does, of course, serve these purposes, content can also be used to close the gaps between awareness and retention.   

Having an established onboarding process that’s both convenient and repeatable is crucial if you want to avoid the kind of early churn that often comes as a result of difficult adoption of a product or service. Whether onboarding at your organization means meeting points of contact, learning tools and systems, or just having burning questions answered, it’s important to be proactive and provide people with a resource to help the relationship progress as seamlessly and efficiently as possible. 

Onboarding is your first impression

Creating a great experience during your onboarding starts with curated personalized content for new customers and clients. We’ve all had experiences that were seamless and this is what we should strive to emulate for our customers. As a consultancy for SaaS companies, and as a subscription business ourselves, we are always looking for ways to streamline this process and make our customers feel at ease as they begin working with us.

And we use Uberflip to easily create those enviable onboarding experiences. Using marketing streams as homes for personalized and relevant content for new customers, we have been able to add clarity and a feeling of ownership to our onboarding process.

Five tips for elevating your onboarding experience

To help you build or elevate your own onboarding experiences, here are some tips and lessons learned:

1. Keep customers engaged during lag time

When there is lead time between contract signing and actual kickoff, having a stream full of personalized content ready can make your customer feel like they’re doing more than just waiting around. We have found that by clearly laying out next steps and preemptively answering any questions we predict new customers might have, there is less confusion and restlessness leading up to kickoff. This approach also cuts down on the amount of in-person time spent on covering the basics, allowing both parties to get to the good stuff more quickly. 

Screenshot of webpage with various content tiles

2. Vary the content you include

The type of content you can include in your onboarding stream ranges from videos to blog posts to PDF flipbooks, and when it comes to how to utilize these mediums, your options are virtually limitless: welcome videos from your C-suite or management, FAQ pages, guides to setting up tools, team profiles, and whatever else you think will be helpful as your customers bring your organization fully into their orbit.

3. Add a personal touch with video greetings

The fact that Uberflip has integrations for so many other social platforms is also extremely helpful as we curate the best possible content for the companies we work with. Having the ability to import videos from Vimeo or Vidyard allows us to film short video greetings from our CSO, introducing customers to the content and adding an extra personal touch to their onboarding experience.

Screenshot of Vimeo video player

4. Give customers a knowledge center to refer back to

Because our onboarding process in particular requires a lot of knowledge transfer, we’re able to keep much of the necessary information—such as details on our systems and collaboration processes—in streams where each customer can access it whenever they need it. This also makes it easy for them to share that information with other members of their internal teams. 

Screenshot of blog post titled "Go Nimbly is a Saas Consultancy. Here's What That Means."

5. Add chatbots to gain additional insights

With the goal of creating personalized, friction-free experiences for our customers, we also leverage a few other tools to make sure onboarding is as smooth as possible for everyone. One of our favorites is Drift, the conversational marketing platform, which allows us to speak directly to our points of contact and tailor our messaging to each customer. This is also a simple, creative way for us to gather information about, for example, which pieces of content our clients found most helpful and which could be more detailed or clear. 

Making sure you shine

Onboarding, no matter what kind of company you are, is a place you want to shine. It’s the first real impression your customers get of what it will be like to work with you, and how much their understanding of your product or service means to you. Having access to tools that give you the ability to drastically improve your customers’ experience, in a world where both convenience and human touch are must-haves, is pretty much invaluable. 

Whether your goal is to attract or retain customers, content experience matters. Check out The New Marketing Standard Benchmark Report to see how today's marketing leaders are using content throughout the buyer journey.

About the Author

Jason Reichl is co-founder and CEO of Go Nimbly, the first SaaS consultancy focused on revenue operations. Since 2013, Go Nimbly has transformed the operations of the most innovative SaaS and PaaS companies, exponentially improving their Go To Market experience and increasing their revenue by 26%.

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