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Manufacturing marketing: How Uberflip can help

Man in business attire next to Uberflip stream


In the manufacturing industry, sometimes the experience you’re providing your customers is the easiest way for them to differentiate you from your competitors. But nowadays, when so much of that journey happens online, it’s important to be creating remarkable digital experiences every step of the way—from the first touch all the way through to the customer stage.  


You may have heard a thing or two about how Uberflip helps marketers create personalized content destinations for their buyers. And that’s true! So we’ve put together some ideas for how a marketer in your shoes can take control of your content with Uberflip. 

If you sell your product through distributors… 

You’ll need to: Clearly and concisely educate your distributors on the value of your product, while also articulating what makes you stand out from your competitors. 

A common challenge we hear from marketers in the manufacturing world is that sometimes, rather than selling directly to the people who use your product, you’re selling through distributors. This leaves it to the reps at your distribution centers to communicate your value to your customers, which is tough when they have other products to sell too.  

How Uberflip can help: It can definitely be hard to capture and keep a distributor rep’s attention when your product isn’t the only one on their mind—especially if your products are highly technical. Quickly identifying what to speak to and what makes you stand out is something most distributors don’t have time for...unless you concisely communicate it to them, that is!

A good way to guarantee that distributor reps are getting the education they need to sell your products effectively is by aggregating all of your informational and training resources—videos, slide decks,  PDFs, and more—in one place where they can easily be referenced. With Uberflip, you can create custom streams of content for reps at each individual distribution center so they have a clear understanding of your differentiator.

uberflip sales stream for manufacturing marketers

Uberflip also allows you to embed tile CTAs that link directly to an inside sales rep or someone on your team. If your distributors have any questions or can’t find what they’re looking for within your content, a CTA like this puts your sellers one click away from reaching someone who can easily answer their questions and help make a sale.

 Call to action button with a sales rep's photo on it

Some Uberflip users have even set up customized triggers using their MAP to alert inside sales when a distributor rep is viewing their content. That way, they can easily follow up and find out if the content was useful and, more importantly, get a better understanding of the customer they were selling to. 

If you want to personalize outreach for specific accounts… 

You’ll need to: Build personalized content destinations for your account outreach that makes prospects feel like the experience is tailor-made for them. 

Whether your boss comes to you with a list of five or 500 key accounts they want you to engage, having a scalable solution for building personalized content destinations makes 1:1 account outreach a breeze.

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip gives marketers the power to create personalized, branded experiences tailored for your target accounts in minutes. We know customer experience is important to you as a marketer in the manufacturing industry. And Uberflip allows you to wow prospective customers with a great experience right off the bat! 

Whether you’re using ads, email, direct mail, or all of the above to capture the attention of your target accounts, it’s crucial to consider the experience you’re sending them to. When you think about how much budget you’re investing in outreach, investing in the experience you’re sending them to seems like a no-brainer. How else are you going to make those clicks count? 😉 

The key to successfully engaging target accounts is driving them to digital destinations that are complete with account-specific CTAs, branding, and custom messaging that promotes conversation with your sales team. There’s no better way to show someone that you understand their needs than a collection of content that speaks directly to their challenges and pain points. 

If you want to speed up the decision-making process...

You’ll need to: Create personalized content destinations for your different products or business units, allowing prospective customers to guide themselves through your content, putting them on a consumption path that will make them feel educated, informed, and ready to make a purchase decision. 

Today’s buyers consume an average of 11.4 pieces of content before deciding to buy—meaning it’s more important than ever to provide the best possible content experience to keep prospects engaged for longer, getting them to the point of purchase faster. 

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip empowers marketers like you to quickly and easily spin up custom content destinations for all kinds of customers. Simply select the content you want to include, upload a custom header, add a personalized description, and voila! You’ve got a personalized collection of content to share.

One of the key benefits of using a solution like Uberflip is that it gives buyers more control over their journey. Rather than having reps share hyperlinks to pieces of content one at a time, you can create immersive experiences that allow buyers to research at their own pace. This can be achieved in a number of ways, like “Next Article” flyouts or a content recommendation panel.

Uberlip AI content recommendation engine for manufacturing

Sending buyers to a custom experience built specifically to answer their questions takes the guesswork out of choosing your product or solution, increases overall content engagement, and builds trust in your brand because they know you’re able to cater to their needs. 

If you want to engage inbound web traffic with content… 

You’ll need to: Group and organize all of your content from across the web to create one central repository of everything your buyers need to know about you. 

Having your content scattered across your website, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, and other locations creates a disjointed experience for anyone looking to learn more about you. When your content is spread over so many channels, it can be hard to control your message, let alone anticipate and plan for a buyer’s next step. 

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip allows you to pull in your content from all corners of the web, then slice and dice it by product, persona, or industry. This drops inbound traffic into a bingeable experience like the one we mentioned above, compelling them to consume more content faster. 

Channels like YouTube or Twitter are great for getting your content found, but pulling all of your assets into one place is what will allow you to segment collections of content catered to each of your unique buyers. As you can see below, our friends at 3M have segmented their resource center to speak to the different groups of people that use 3M products. 

If you want to convert curious site visitors with content… 

You’ll need to: Create opportunities for potential customers to download or subscribe to your content in a way that will leave them feeling intrigued and not intimidated.

Let’s face it, sometimes a lead form on a landing page can feel like an aggressive ask—especially when it’s directed at someone who’s never engaged with you before. Rather than scaring your new visitors away, there’s a way to be more subtle in your approach. 

How Uberflip can help: Rather than sending engaged prospects away from your content to a landing page, Uberflip keeps visitors immersed in your content experience. Whether you want to place a gate overtop your content or integrate a newsletter subscription CTA within it, Uberflip lets you focus on what’s important—the experience. 

uberflip overlay form cta to collect leads

We’ve actually dug into the data and found that overlay CTAs like the one pictured above have 7x the conversion rate of traditional forms on landing pages. Gating reports or guides—or even just giving new visitors the opportunity to subscribe to receive updates from you—is a great way to collect information so that you can progressively profile them and give them a more personalized customer journey along the way.

If you want to improve customer retention… 

You’ll need to: Curate a knowledge base of customer-centric content for users to learn more about your product offerings and how to use them, get inspired by examples, and ultimately strengthen their connection with your brand.

Marketers in the manufacturing industry are fully committed to customer experience. In fact, 54% of manufacturers are investing in improving the customer journey, and 50% are focused on improving cross-channel experiences.

How Uberflip can help: With Uberflip, creating a standalone content hub to educate customers and keep them engaged is easy! It can live separately from your prospect-facing resource center, focusing solely on content that would be of value to anyone using your product. 

The way you structure your knowledge base is up to you, but we’ve seen success from marketers who’ve showcased how-to videos, featured other customers, and segmented content streams by topic or challenge.

A better customer journey starts here

Now that you’ve got a better idea of what’s possible with Uberflip, all that’s left to do is take the first step. In the manufacturing industry especially customer experience is so important, and it’s a huge part of what sets you apart from your competitors. If you’re ready to see how Uberflip can help you improve your customer journey every step of the way, talk to an expert today!