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No-Nonsense Reasons Why You Should Attend The Content Experience

Attend Content Experience Marketing Conference | Uberflip

Ah, summer. It's right around the corner, which means sunshine, visits to the beach, ice cream, and... THE CONTENT EXPERIENCE! (It's August 22–23th in Toronto, FYI).

If you haven't already purchased a ticket, I assume it's because you're too busy with your head down, creating great content, and haven't had the chance to really look into it. It's ok. I get it. That's why I took the time to write up a few reasons why you should attend. Let's get to it!

No-Nonsense Reason #1:
Learn from the Best-of-the-Best in Content Marketing

We have some great speakers lined up for the conference, with more to come! Come and learn from Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs; Jay Baer, President of Convince & Convert; Andy Crestodina, Co-founder of Orbit Media; our very own Yoav Schwartz, CEO & Co-founder of Uberflip; and top marketers from MGM Resorts, Salesforce, and more! We also have great sponsors and other Uberflippers who are more than ready to talk shop about everything content marketing and content experiences. Let your marketing geek flag fly high.

Jay Baer      Andy Crestodina      Yoav Schwartz

No-Nonsense Reason #2:
Get Takeaways for Your Entire Company

A main theme of The Content  Experience is talking about how to leverage content across the entire buyer journey for a better content experience. So we'll not only talk about how to help out the marketing team, but also how anyone from your sales and success teams can boost their productivity with the help of content.

Marketing Conference Takeaways | Uberflip

No-Nonsense Reason #3:
Network Like it's Going Out of Style

Meet fellow Uberflip users and other marketers not only at the conference, but also at all of our exciting *extracurricular activities*. You'll have a chance to mingle with your new marketing friends at Uberflip's kickoff party at our headquarters, at a rooftop shindig, and at after-conference events. Seriously, bring an extra pair of socks because they WILL be knocked off with all of this fun.

Networking at Marketing Conference | Uberflip

No-Nonsense Reason #4:
Meet the Team Behind the Magic of Uberflip

Speaking of networking, now's your chance to chat with the team members at Uberflip. Want to meet your success rep? They'll be there. Want to talk to the marketing team about their content strategy? They'll be there. Want to request a special feature from the dev team? They'll be there (no promises on how fast we can churn out a new request, though). It's like a celebrity meet and greet just without any actual celebrities. Still fun, though!

Engineering Team | Uberflip Marketing Team | Uberflip
Sales Team | Uberflip Success Team | Uberflip
Operations Team | Uberflip Leadership Team | Uberflip

No-Nonsense Reason #5:
Get a Bigger Bang for Your (US) Buck

While us Canadians are cursing our beloved Loonie, you lucky southern neighbors can come to Toronto and $$make it rain$$. Or just save money. For our Canadian brethren, now's your chance to come to an event at home and not have to cry over the exchange rate! It's a win-win all around.

Dolla Bills

Bonus: Maybe see Coldplay?

By coincidence, the biggest rock band in the world is playing in town the day before the conference starts. Is there a better way to mix business and pleasure? Probably not.

Want to take in your own views from the 6ix and learn some wicked, awesome content marketing insights? Get your tickets to The Content Experience now!

Content Experience Marketing Conference Buy Tickets | Uberflip

About the Author

Kelly is a former Content Marketing Consultant at Uberflip, helping the team with content strategy and implementation. As a Massachusetts native living in Toronto, she spends her free time exploring the city, hanging out with her cat & dog, and watching Tom Hanks movies.

Profile Photo of Kelly O'Hara