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How LeanData Achieved an 8x Lift in Sales Pipeline

Learn how LeanData's marketing team was able to better organize their content for more efficient ABM processes while fueling their sales team with content to get an 8x lift in pipeline.

The Company: Lean Data

LeanData offers a suite of demand management tools. With the main objective to convert marketing leads into closed deals they have tools for lead-to-account matching, routing, and campaign attribution.

The Problem: All the Right Strategy, All the Wrong Tools

To better attract ideal customers, LeanData knew that they wanted to start leaning towards Account-Based Marketing strategies. Creating interest, demand, and engagement across an array of personas on each account was what the team saw as both the biggest challenge and opportunity. How they presented a tailored, relevant content experience for each persona became the crux of their strategy.

In order to fully ramp up their Account-Based Marketing efforts, LeanData needed a better way to organize their content in such a way that would align with their goals. They had identified their six key personas. But since the team was organizing their content in Google Docs, it was difficult to create campaigns at a reasonable pace.  

“We needed to find a good way for the marketing team to catalogue all of our content and present it in a way that was relevant for our personas in target accounts,” shared Billy Huang, Senior Marketing Operations Manager. “By presenting our target personas with the most relevant information, we knew we would be able to drive them towards having the conversations we wanted to have.”

While the strategy was there, the LeanData team lacked the infrastructure and resources to efficiently create one-off microsites for every account.

The Solution: A tool for Marketing and Sales

When the LeanData team found Uberflip, they knew it would help them with better organization and management from a marketing point-of-view. But they didn’t foresee just how big of an impact the tool would have on how the sales team sold.

Thanks to Uberflip’s streamlined content platform, the LeanData marketing team could centralize all their content into a central repository, organize it according to personas, and hand it over to the sales team to create personalized content destinations for their prospects.

“The sales enablement piece of Uberflip has become far and away the biggest use case for LeanData. Our Sales team loves it,” Huang added. “For us on the marketing side, it’s great to be able to have content sorted in a way that makes sense for us and then have the sales team come in and pick and choose what they need. Sales reps can then easily embed content streams or individual items like price sheets or presentation decks directly into their outreach cadences using Uberflip Sales Assist. In line with our ABM strategies, they’re creating a substantial amount of streams for top accounts.”

“The purchase of Uberflip was a marketing decision,” explained Mark Emmons, Brand Content Specialist. “We were thinking about how we could use it for better content management and distribution. The idea of the sales team using it was a value add, but it has really turned on its head. If you were to tell us we couldn’t have Uberflip, it would probably be the sales team that would squawk the most.”

The Results: A Bright (Pink) Future

Turning to Uberflip to optimize the content experience was an integral part of their sales and marketing tech stack, which resulted in a 8X lift in pipeline in just two months. LeanData sees Uberflip engrained into their strategies for the foreseeable future with the teams even starting to investigate how their customer success teams could start to use the tool.

Huang went on to further explain just how large Uberflip’s impact has been on the company: “Uberflip has been instrumental in helping the company grow. We just received our Series B funding and are scaling the sales team; Uberflip is to thank for a portion of that growth. Uberflip gives us the ability to do so many different things, we actually find ourselves having to fight the urge to do too much.”