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Congratulations to the Q4 2022 Corie Awards

At Uberflip, we take our Core Values very seriously. Our core values represent what we honor and respect the most. They're an embodiment of who we are as an organization—and as a collective of individuals. 

Every quarter employees at Uberflip have the opportunity to nominate—and celebrate!—fellow Uberflippers they feel have lived up to our core values and deserve recognition.

We call these awards The Cories

This quarter was filled with some amazing nominations and super-deserving winners!

The Culture Award goes to the Uberflipper who puts culture above all else.

This quarter, we're congratulating Michelle Mierzwa! Check out these awesome nominations from Michelle’s colleagues: 

  • "Michelle is always trying to find ways to help boost the culture not only within our team but with every person she interacts with! She has really owned managing the social committee and always comes up with great ideas, she always wants to help out each member with what they are assigned and always has the best energy that kicks off our fire-sides!"

  • "Michelle is a certified jack of all trades. Is there anything that she can't do? From sending L.U.V to Uberflippers on a daily basis, participating heavily in getting our new office up to speed and finding a new and engaging game for monthly stand-ups, she is involved in/orchestrates so many of the things that bind us together as a company. I think what I admire most about Michelle is her willingness to put herself out there and really give it her all. We are lucky to have her at Uberflip!"

The next Corie Award is our Communication award. This award is for the Uberflipper who makes the most impact through open communication.

This quarter the award went to Jakob Brofeldt! Once you read the nominations, we’re sure you’ll agree with this decision! 

  • “​​Jakob is very committed to the success of Uberflip and it is apparent by his interactions with customers and support of the CSMs to conduct demos, beta feature introductions, and capture feedback directly from the end users. He always comes onto those calls with an upbeat attitude that comforts clients who may want features 'yesterday' and give them the comfort of knowing we care and are always innovating to make our product better for our users.”
  • “Jakob is amazing to work with and his clear and open communication is one of the many reasons why. He bridges the gaps between customers, CX, Product and Engineering with his strong communication skills and helps translate the voice of the customer into reality within our product. Jakob is extremely thorough and detail-oriented and will go out of his way to make sure everyone is aligned. Keep it up, mate!”

Next, our Experience Award. We’re all about creating great experiences, so it’s no surprise this is a core value of ours. This award goes to the Uberflipper who creates an incredible, noteworthy experience in some way. 

Congratulations Ross Morello! Check out his nominations below:

  • “One of the things I really enjoy about working with Ross is that he is always willing to share ideas and support his colleagues! I admire his ability to be a great team player as well as a strong cross-collaborator. ‍ That sets a great example and encourages other team members to be innovative and supportive. Thank you, Ross!”
  • “Ross has been a rock in managing our relationship with AWS clients of the Enterprise Services team, being patient and breaking down tech speak into human words. Ross is always happy to help. He's usually the first person to volunteer to help resolve tasks or provide his insights, which helps a lot in troubleshooting. The overall experience of interacting with Ross itself is amazing.”

Our L.U.V. the Customer Award is centered around Listening, Understanding, and Valuing the Customer. This award is given to the Uberflipper who always puts the customer first.

It comes as no surprise that Rachel Kornblum is this quarter's winner! Here's what Rachel's colleagues said about her: 

  • “Rachel goes above and beyond to bring value to her customers - her customers are consistently impressed by her level of preparedness and attention to detail, and this enables her to build trust with clients quickly. Her charming personality makes her an absolute pleasure to work with - I would say Rachel has the perfect balance of being amiable and dependable which ultimately leads to strong and meaningful relationships with her clients.”
  • “Rachel shows how much she cares with every conversation and interaction. Her dedication to helping her customers and finding them answers is evident in everything she does. In addition to that, she is one of the kindest, most authentic people to work with so our customers are so lucky to have someone like her on their side!”

If you’ve followed Uberflip for long enough you know how important our Give Back core value is to us. We commit to donating 1% of our annual growth to charitable causes every year. That same Give Back mentality is shared amongst Uberflippers and this award goes to the Uberflipper who gives back to our community or team in the most impactful way.

This quarter that Uberflipper was Dylan Foster!

  • “Dylan is carrying Uberflip on his shoulders. He is so knowledgeable about our platform and is amazing at sharing that information with colleagues and clients. He responds to support tickets with detailed and helpful answers, and really delivers top-tier support on all tickets. He is always there to answer slack questions as well, and I'm constantly in awe of his knowledge. Can't imagine where we'd be without him on our side!” 
  • “This was a hard pick, I had so many Uberflippers in mind, but unfortunately get to choose only one person, my pick for this award would be Dylan Forster from Support Team, because he is always there for everyone. He helped me in solving some major issues. When it comes to problem-solving, he is the most reliable person. I am glad that he is on my team.”

Last but not least, our H.U.S.T.L.E. Award! The acronym stands for Heart, Unique, Skill, Tech, Lean, and Entrepreneurial. This core value is at the center of everything we do at Uberflip. We award this Corie to the Uberflipper who embodies the spirit of HUSTLE day in and out.

This quarter’s H.U.S.T.L.E. Corie award winner was Sean de Groot!! Here's what his colleagues had to say about him:

  • “Sean is an outstanding developer and team player who demonstrates each day that he has HUSTLE: Heart: he's collaborative and supportive with a warm personality that reaches beyond the confines of the virtual workplace; Unique: his skill set and experience in the OnBrand department currently as a developer paired with his past role as a Development Coordinator provides him with unique insight; Skill: talented developer!; Technology: seeks new solutions to improve code and troubleshoot technical problems; Lean: proactively approaches problems by collaborating with team members and opening lines of communication; Entrepreneurial spirit: takes ownership over his work and possesses the mindset of "how can we do better?"
  • “Sean is always the first to jump onto any issue and lend a hand. He is extremely thorough with his work and is such a valuable member of the team! Sean is an amazing communicator, he values everyone's input and knows how to properly address feedback and answer questions. When he speaks, he instantly grabs your attention. Being a developer, communication is an important skill especially when you've to deliver a message to non-technical people. Sean does this amazingly. His communication skill is very organized and straight to the point."

Congrats to all of our nominees and our Corie Award winners!