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Congratulations to the Q2 2022 Corie Award Winners

Here at Uberflip, we take our Core Values very seriously. So seriously that we turned them into awards to be handed out at our quarterly kickoff events. We call these awards ‘The Cories’.

We broke down our Core Values here to bring you up to speed. Biannually, we put out a call to the entire company to nominate their colleagues who best embody our six Core Values. This quarter was filled with some amazing nominations and super deserving winners!

The Culture Award goes to the Uberflipper who puts culture above all else. This quarter, we're congratulating Conrad Bach! Check out these awesome nominations from Conrad’s colleagues:


"Conrad keeps the spirit alive! Conrad can appear quiet but no one works harder to keep their people inspired. Working with Conrad over the last few years has really shown what an exemplary leader should do."

- Conrad's colleague, at Uberflip

“Conrad makes leadership look easy, which is a hard feat. He's so incredibly reliable, responsive, and always does what needs to be done to support and advocate for his team. His leadership style is based on trust, and you can see the impact that trust is having across the CS org as we grow more confident week over week in making our own decisions and running our accounts with autonomy. That being said, he's a leader who is always there when we need him and has never ever let me down!”

“Conrad keeps the spirit alive! Conrad can appear quiet but no one works harder to keep their people inspired. Working with Conrad over the last few years has really shown what an exemplary leader should do.”

The next Corie Award is our Communication award. This award is for the Uberflipper who makes the most impact through open communication. This quarter the award went to Jamie Berns! Once you read the nominations we’re sure you’ll agree with this decision! 


"Jamie always goes above and beyond to ensure all of your questions are answered. She is always the first to respond on slack and happy to jump on a call at a moments notice. Even if the answer is not known, she is willing to walk through each step with you! Basically she is superwoman!"

- Jamie's colleague, at Uberflip

“Whether it's with customers or colleagues, Jamie's incredible communication style has been felt throughout this organization and beyond. She is the first to respond on slack, she is able to easily break down and convey complex concepts, and her relaxed but assertive demeanor has allowed her to quickly establish trust with her clients. If she can provide help, she will. LUVing the customer (and your colleagues) starts with transparent, articulate and open communication, and Jamie embodies this in every way. Keep crushing it!”

“​​Jamie always goes above and beyond to ensure all of your questions are answered. She is always the first to respond on slack and happy to jump on a call at a moments notice. Even if the answer is not known, she is willing to walk through each step with you! Basically she is superwoman!”

Next, our Experience Award. At Uberflip we’re all about creating great experiences so it’s no surprise this is a core value of ours. This award goes to the Uberflipper who creates an incredible, noteworthy experience in some way, Congratulations Megan Spicer! Check out her nominations below:


"What can I say about Megan that probably hasn't been said 100 times. Megan is the world’s best when it comes to providing a world class experience not only for our customers, but for all those who work around her. If you put your trust in Megan, you absolutely will be rewarded"

- Megan's colleague, at Uberflip

“Megan Spicer needs to be recognized for how much of an asset she is to not only her team, but this company as a whole. I'm fortunate to collaborate with such a warm and intelligent leader. Megan is poised, polished, and always willing to jump in and do whatever she can to help the team be successful. There's always a balance to be struck between dazzling a customer and managing realistic expectations. It's really difficult to do well, but Megan makes it look easy. She recently delivered an EnterprisePlus pitch that not only visibly excited the customer team, but also fired us up and genuinely moved the opportunity forward. Her disposition creates both comfort and excitement for our customers, strengthening our relationships and taking accounts to the next level. I don't know what we'd do without her on the Revenue Team!”

“What can I say about Megan that probably hasn't been said 100 times. Megan is the world’s best when it comes to providing a world class experience not only for our customers, but for all those who work around her. If you put your trust in Megan, you absolutely will be rewarded”

Our L.U.V. the Customer Award is our newest core value and is centered around Listening, Understanding and Valuing the Customer. This award is given to the Uberflipper who always puts the customer first. It comes as no surprise that Bharat Sethi is this quarter's winner! Here's what Bharat's colleagues said about him: 


"Bharat has taken on multiple customers in the last little while and has been able to take care of their needs while always being in communication with them and caring to their needs."

- Bharat's colleague, at Uberflip

“Bharat consistently works to put his customers first, jumping into tasks that he may even find a bit uncomfortable from a technical perspective if it means his customers get what they need to be successful. He's a consummate customer advocate and any Enterprise Plus clients that have Bharat on their side are in great hands.”

“Bharat has taken on multiple customers in the last little while and has been able to take care of their needs while always being in communication with them and caring to their needs.”

If you’ve followed Uberflip for long enough you know how important our Give Back core value is to us. We commit to donating 1% of our annual growth to charitable causes every year. That same Give Back mentality is shared amongst Uberflippers and this award goes to the Uberflipper who gives back to our community or team in the most impactful way. This quarter that Uberflipper was Katherine Allen!


"Katherine has worked tirelessly to migrate our accounts over to TV2 and is constantly responding and dealing with our accounts directly. It's clear the Onbrand team has a lot on their plate, and I sincerely appreciate the hard work they do to keep our clients happy. Katherine in particular has HUSTLED to complete all open projects and her hard work has not gone unnoticed."

- Katherine's colleague, at Uberflip

“Katherine is the best mentor ever! She knows how to teach, and how to explain, how to encourage to get the first results. After I joined Uberflip, the war in Ukraine started and I was totally confused and frustrated as my life turned upside down, but Katherine was very patient and empathetic, she taught, but cared about me at the same time, she helped me to become a part of the team, shared her experience and confidence in every meeting and task I had. Katherine is ready to help each member of our team and her spirit ignites others to be open and helpful, which creates a very friendly atmosphere in our team. I think people like Katherine are the reason why we love our jobs.”

"Katherine has worked tirelessly to migrate our accounts over to TV2 and is constantly responding and dealing with our accounts directly. It's clear the Onbrand team has a lot on their plate, and I sincerely appreciate the hard work they do to keep our clients happy. Katherine in particular has HUSTLED to complete all open projects and her hard work has not gone unnoticed.”

Last but not least, our H.U.S.T.L.E. Award! The acronym stands for Heart, Unique, Skill, Tech, Lean, Entrepreneurial. This core value is at the center of everything we do at Uberflip. We award this Corie to the Uberflipper who embodies the spirit of HUSTLE day in and out. This quarter’s H.U.S.T.L.E. Corie award winner was Shareeza Hussain!! Here's is what her colleagues said about her:


"Shareeza puts 200% into everything she does and treats every new challenge as a learning experience. Her positivity and determination are to be admired!"

- Shareeza's colleague, at Uberflip

“Shareeza demonstrates an amazing amount of HUSTLE. She is quick to jump on new issues and formulate a plan on resolving them in the same breath. Her enthusiasm for her tasks is quite simply brilliant! 

"Shareeza puts 200% into everything she does and treats every new challenge as a learning experience.   Her positivity and determination are to be admired!”
Congratulations to all of our nominees and our Q1 Corie Award winners! See you next quarter.