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Congratulations to the Q4 2021 Corie Award Winners

Here at Uberflip, we take our Core Values very seriously. So seriously that we turned them into awards to be handed out at our quarterly kickoff events. We call these awards ‘The Cories’.

We broke down our Core Values here to bring you up to speed. Each quarter we put out a call to the entire company to nominate their colleagues who best embody our six Core Values. This quarter was filled with some amazing nominations and super deserving winners!

Culture Award

The Culture Award goes to the Uberflipper who puts culture above all else. This quarter, we're congratulating Senior Manager, Growth Marketing Jessica Piccolotto! Check out these awesome nominations from Jessica’s colleagues: 

“Jess is obsessed with ensuring our sales and marketing teams are aligned to ensure we have a winning culture.” 

“Jess is a star! She is kind, helpful, supportive and alway makes time for everyone. She is a great example of the real culture at Uberflip and it's a true pleasure to work with her!”

Communication Award

The next Corie Award is our Communication award. This award is for the Uberflipper who makes the most impact through open communication. This quarter the award went to Jason Dea, VP of Product! Once you read the nominations we’re sure you’ll agree with this decision! 

“In his short time here so far Jason has contributed to a dramatic increase in communication across the company and really started to set us up for success moving forward.”

“When Jason joined the team he mentioned that his goal for the first 30 days was to learn the names of and meet everyone in his department and I found that inspiring. He continues to make his "Open Slack Policy" (in place of an open door policy) well known, and follows through on that policy with his actions.” 

Experience Award

Next, our Experience Award. At Uberflip we’re all about creating great experiences so it’s no surprise this is a core value of ours. This award goes to the Uberflipper who creates an incredible, noteworthy experience in some way. Congratulations Nathan Poch, Technical Account Manager. Check out his nominations below:

“Nathan has become the glue that holds the Enterprise Plus team together. Not only did he take on the lion share of onboarding another set of new hires in Q4, he also continues to support every member of the team with whatever technical challenges might arise. He is a helper by nature who makes everyone he works with know that they are valued members of the team with their own unique skills to contribute.” 

“Nathan has created\participated in  multiple projects to support our customers (ABM Streams, Themes)”

L.U.V. The Customer Award

Our L.U.V. the Customer Award is our newest core value and is centered around Listening, Understanding and Valuing the Customer. This award is given to the Uberflipper who always puts the customer first. It comes as no surprise that Kristen Brophy is this quarter's winner! Here's what Kristen's colleagues said about her: 

“I've starting working more closely with Kristen over the past month and have been amazed at her ability to balance her many customers while growing the team. It's clear customers love working with her and she LUVs them back. The new CSMs are lucky to have a great role model in Kristen and it means more LUV for more customers!”

“Kristen goes above & beyond to understand customers and provide them with the information they need to succeed with Uberflip. She asks the right questions, advocates for the customer, while also setting realistic expectations on what we can deliver. It is very apparent how happy & supported customers feel while working with Kristen.” 

Give Back Award

If you’ve followed Uberflip for long enough you know how important our Give Back core value is to us. We commit to donating 1% of our annual growth to charitable causes every year. That same Give Back mentality is shared amongst Uberflippers and this award goes to the Uberflipper who gives back to our community or team in the most impactful way. This quarter that Uberflipper was Chris Dickey! 

“He committed to 24 hours of nonstop video gaming, all while producing a live stream throughout and raising over $1700 For The Hospital For Sick Children.” 

“Chris Dickey is not only an incredible Martech pro, but he's also a kind, caring, empathetic and generous person.  Recently, Chris decided to combine his passion for video gaming, with a giveback effort.”  

H.U.S.T.L.E. Award

Last but not least, our H.U.S.T.L.E. Award! The acronym stands for Heart, Unique, Skill, Tech, Lean, Entrepreneurial. This core value is at the center of everything we do at Uberflip. We award this Corie to the Uberflipper who embodies the spirit of HUSTLE day in and out. This quarter’s H.U.S.T.L.E. Corie award winner was Team Lead, Development Coordination, Aja Servais!! Here's a sample of what her colleagues said about her:

"Aja has stepped into the team lead role with such determination. She is always there to go the extra mile for her team and for her customers. She is always innovating and looking for solutions and how we can do things better!"

“Aja works so hard and is an amazing example of HUSTLE. She is smart, detailed and a great communicator. She follows through, does what she says she's going to do and keeps others accountable. Great work Aja!”


Congratulations to all of our nominees and our Q4 Corie Award winners! See you next quarter.