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How To Target Audiences With Marketing Streams

An important step in creating a great content experience is to organize content in a way that improves your content discoverability by people and search engines alike. The easiest way to get started is by grouping content pieces by type or format, which lets visitors browse blog posts, presentations or videos at their convenience. Although this kind of organization is a must have, it is not enough to deliver that killer content experience.

Visitors do have their own preferences in terms of formats, but this is rarely what brings them to your site. They usually find their way to your resources center because they are looking for answers, or simply because they want to learn more about a particular topic. As a content marketer, you should give them what they want and make it easy for them to find the content that they are most interested in.

Generate more leads with Marketing Streams

Uberflip developed two features to help its customers build a tailored content experience for their audience. The first one is Marketing Streams, which let you create a handpicked collection of content around the topic of your choice or targeted at a specific segment. The second one is Smart Filters, which allow you to automatically add content to a Marketing Stream (and do even more) based on a keyword.

Using Marketing Streams, your resources center will generate even more leads than before. There are many reasons for this - one of them being that you can start displaying hyper targeted CTAs. In the following example, we used two different CTAs for the same piece of content, depending on what section the visitors came from. Prospects visiting the main stream would be enticed to create a Hub, but the ones visiting our Everything Marketo stream would be invited to "take Uberflip and Marketo for a test drive", in a Marketo's signature purple.

Another way that Marketing Streams increase engagement is by suggesting even more content that is relevant and engaging for your visitors. After they are done watching a video or reading a blog post, visitors will be shown even more content from the same stream at the bottom of the page, thus increasing the time on site and the number of pageviews.

How to segment your audience

The are various ways to segment your audience depending on your type of business and your industry. The most common ways are by buyer personas, industries, fields of interest, locations, and so forth. 

Here’s how 4 Uberflip customers are making great use of Marketing Streams to target their own audiences:


Insight is an IT provider of hardware, software and service solutions. They built a tailored experience for two industries in their Hub: education and healthcare.



Monetate develops cloud-based testing, email optimization and in-the-moment personalization software for marketers. Not only did they segment their audience by industry, they also targeted them based on their field of interest (testing and targeting, email optimization, and personalization).



HireVue is making business personal through social, mobile and video-enriched workplace interactions. On their content Hub, they targeted their audiences using various topics they may be interested in learning more about.



iQmetrix help retailers create great experiences for their employees and consumers. Since they brought to market 3 different products, they created Marketing Streams targeted at buyers who may be interested in each of these solutions.


Broadcast your targeted content

Once you’ve segmented your audience and have created the corresponding streams of content, there are many ways to leverage your new streams.

Here are 3 ideas to get started:

  • Create an email marketing campaign that notifies your subscribers when you post fresh content in a specific stream they’ve shown interest in.
  • Share your marketing stream on social media using headlines that will specifically appeal to those who are targeted in this stream.
  • Arm your sales representatives with Marketing Streams that they can share with different types of buyers when providing educational resources.

Think you’ve set up the most amazing Marketing Stream in the history of Hubs? Share your link in the comments section. We love to see awesome use cases for our product!

About the Author

Francois Mathieu is a Marketing Consultant and Entrepreneur based in Toronto, Canada. He is the Co-Founder of <a href="">Hōjicha Co.</a>, a specialty tea distributor and retailer.

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