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Never Lose a Customer Again

After making huge investments of time, money, and energy to acquire new customers, most companies see between 20 percent and 70 percent of those customers disappear in less than one hundred days. Joey will share exactly what to do during the crucial First 100 Days® of the customer relationship. His simple eight-phase methodology will help you identify your customers’ emotional needs, guarantee their desired outcome, and turn passive customers into raving fans. Drawing on more than forty examples ranging from solopreneurs to global juggernauts, Joey will present an engaging and entertaining keynote session that dissects the specific tools and strategies you can use to create remarkable customer experiences.

See the presentation slides below:

Session Notes

Courtesy of Karine Bengualid from Brought to you by the Letter K

We all share one thing in common: We all have customers and we are all customers.

When we decide to buy, our brain floods with dopamine, but as the dopamine recedes, we develop buyer’s remorse. Since this is a naturally occurring phenomenon, do you have a plan to address buyer’s remorse when it hits your customers?

Did you know that 20-70 percent of new customers stop doing business within the first 100 days of buying? How much money are you leaving on the table?

The customer journey we all know and love as marketers focuses on driving customers into the funnel, but says nothing about what to do after the sale ends.

Here’s what Coleman proposes your customer journey actually looks like:



Fun fact: businesses that focus on the first 100 days after a customer purchases see that same customer stay for an average of five years, a 5 percent improvement in customer retention, and an increase in profits of 25-100 percent.

What could you do with those results?

The bottom line (for Coleman and your business) is that you can use content through the entire conversation to solve the biggest problem no one is talking about. #gasp

Some of the things you can do to connect in those first 100 days include:

  • Mail – mail doesn’t have as much competition as email, so use it!

  • Phone – when was the last time you picked up the phone to speak to a customer?

  • Video – send a personalized video to show you are a real-life human talking to another real-life human, introduce their account rep, join in their excitement.

  • Presents – who doesn’t love a present? Doesn’t have to be expensive, but also shouldn’t have your logo.

Remember, it’s not just in the chase, it’s also in the catch.

Click here to watch even more Conex speaker presentations on-demand.