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How healthcare marketers can use Uberflip

Woman in lab coat standing outside and smiling

Marketers in the healthcare industry have a unique set of challenges that content can help them solve. And if you’re here, you’re probably thinking: How can Uberflip help me? And why should I care about content experience anyway? We’ve heard this before, so we’ve packaged up all the ways you can use Uberflip to crush your healthcare marketing goals and provide the best possible experience. 

If you want to create content and campaign destinations quickly…

You’ll need to: Be agile and nimble and not rely on your IT or development team to spin up landing pages or microsites for campaigns.

If creating landing pages isn’t your area of expertise, you’re not alone. As much as 44% of B2B healthcare marketing leaders have a challenge creating digital destinations because it’s out of their realm of expertise. Whether it’s due to a skills or infrastructure gap, this inability to move quickly can hamper a marketing department’s ability to meet its goals.

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip empowers marketers to publish content quickly and eliminate technical dependency on their IT or web development teams. This content experience platform works as a layer between your website and your marketing automation platform so you can create content easily, publish in seconds, add mini forms for email address capture, link to more information, and create digital destinations of curated content for all your marketing campaigns.

Make a beautiful content destination like the one below from Kaiser Permanente where you direct your target audience via email, direct mail, and event campaigns. Whatever you choose, with a tool like Uberflip, the marketer has total control, employing easy-to-use design tools that require no coding knowledge.

Kaiser Permanente Content Hub

If you want to become a trusted advisor to your buyers and customers...

You’ll need to: Educate and update healthcare buyers (as well as your own internal staff) in a complex regulatory environment. 

Since healthcare is a heavily compliance-driven industry, departments are likely unable to create new content, edit existing content, or share third-party content with the same ease and flexibility that similar departments in other industries can. The onus is on marketing to provide the resources necessary to support other departments.

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip helps healthcare marketers manage a large volume of content, which is needed when bringing awareness and attention to regulatory and compliance issues. In Uberflip, marketers can not only create content but import content from other sources and in different formats and create content collections organized by topic.

New regulation change? You can easily spin up a content destination with everything your buyers and customers need to know. Need content specific to one region? No problem.

Uberflip lets marketers own the publishing process end-to-end so they can remain relevant and avoid organizational red tape while getting their content and experiences live. Check out this content experience all about the Patient-Driven Payment Model from PointClickCare:

PointClickCare Content on Regulatory Changes

If you want to keep visitors engaged with your brand… 

You’ll need to: Create a bingeable experience that continues the visitor’s journey. 

Educating your client base goes hand-in-hand with customer engagement. An engaged customer is an educated customer. You can promote the consumption of more content and further education by suggesting additional activities and other assets to read and finding ways to compel engagement. 

How Uberflip can help: Creating a sales-ready lead is time-consuming because it requires up to 11.4 content touches before your buyer is ready to engage. Good content alone isn’t enough to speed up that process because there’s no path to conversion. Uberflip ensures your audience has a clear opportunity to continue consuming relevant content using content recommendations, like PointClickCare has below.

Whether you use AI-based content recommendations powered by Bombora, or hand select what content is recommended through the reco panel, you can promote customer engagement by recommending additional content.

Beyond this, you can capture leads through embedding mini lead forms for email subscriptions like Evolent Health has (shown lower on this page) or serving up an offer when a user shows exit intent. All of these options will keep your audience on site for longer, continuing their education process.   

Blog post on PointClickCare's Resource Hub

Evolent Health content hub

Evolent Health Exit Intent popup offer

If you want your content to be discovered by different audiences… 

You’ll need to: Create and display content that’s organized and optimized for search and categorized to appeal to different audiences.

Your buyers or clients don’t fit into a single mold. Instead, they have a wide variety of interests and need to be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.  To ensure you appeal to each segment of your audience, you need to create content that’s discoverable for search engines and aligns with the way people navigate your site.

How Uberflip can help: A content experience platform like Uberflip can help you leverage content to appeal to different segmentations. With its built-in SEO, back-end tagging, and front-end navigation features, you can make your content discoverable for search engines and inbound traffic.

This way, you can ensure that when a visitor lands on your blog article, they are surrounded by content created for their specific interest or role. Forget that endless scroll of your latest blog posts in order of publication date. Instead, you can centralize all of your content by topic, role, or area of interest—the way people actually search for it. A beautiful content hub, like Joule’s “Boldly” thought-leadership hub, is within easy reach. 

Joule’s “Boldly” thought-leadership hub

If you want to be customer-centric from top to bottom… 

You’ll need to: Gather data and insights to meet buyers’ expectations of personalization.

Buyers today want a personalized experience with the companies they work with. So much so that content personalization is a priority for 80% of B2B healthcare marketing leaders. Since data is needed to personalize, you’re going to want to collect as much of it from your customers’ interests and intent as possible. 

How Uberflip can help: With Uberflip you can see how prospective and current clients and members are engaging with content using our built-in content analytics tool. This allows your team to see what content is resonating at an asset level without needing to pull data from your marketing automation platform. Uberflip’s Analytics Dashboards visualize the data to enable your team to take action and allow for exporting to a third-party business intelligence tool with comma-separated value support. 

Uberflip Analytics Dashboard

If you want to retain your current customer base...

You’ll need to: Keep your current customers engaged, informed and educated so they keep coming back

Providing an engaging, easy, end-to-end experience is the key to retaining customers. Anticipating their needs and being both trustworthy and customer-centric can set you apart, especially in an industry where caring for people is of the utmost importance.

How Uberflip can help: Uberflip helps marketers create engaging experiences for their clients by pulling disparate content such as blog articles, guides, educational videos, templates, frequently asked questions, and calculators into a centralized client resources hub for clients to refer back to, like TMLT has done here.

Uberflip also makes it easy to send client communications and new educational resources directly to clients by linking to a stream of content rather than a traditional newsletter. Once you get your clients on-site you can drive content consumption to engage them further, keep them as clients, and ultimately sell more products and services. 

Collection of content resources on TMLT's hub

You’re equipped: Now it’s goal-crushing time

If you’re like most marketers, you have an endless number of goals for the quarter and the year. And a content experience platform like Uberflip can help you accomplish so many of them. If you want to learn more about how Uberflip can help you address your specific needs, speak to an Uberflip expert, or check out even more content!

About the Author

Christine is an experience-obsessed marketer. She was Uberflip's Director of Content, where creating engaging content experiences for marketers was a challenge she accepted daily. She believes that if you can't attract, engage, and compel that next action with your content, then why bother? She also has a thing for pugs, but who doesn't.

Profile Photo of Christine Otsuka