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Should I Move or Copy My Content to Uberflip?

Migrating content to UberflipMaking the switch to Uberflip means giving users better UX—including an improved gated content experience, quicker access to the resources they’re after, and a cleaner space in which to experience it all. Before you can enjoy all the benefits these improvements represent, though, there’s still the issue of how to handle porting existing content over to Uberflip. 

You likely have content housed in multiple places—a company blog, your website’s resource center, etc.—that customers will need to be able to access easily. So where should all of that content live? Should you move it to Uberflip and delete the previous platforms completely, or should your team copy each piece to Uberflip while keeping the original platforms live as well? 

Option 1: Copy Content to Uberflip and Keep it in a Legacy Location

The first option to consider for content migration is to manually copy each blog post or article over to your Uberflip hub while also keeping this content in its original location. This means your company’s content will remain live on all original platforms and will also be published on Uberflip. In other words, if you choose to "copy" instead of "move" content, each piece will exist in at least two places.

Many teams choose to copy content because, at first blush, it seems like the simplest solution. There are no extra steps of deleting articles and posts from their original platforms and no need to deal with links that point to the original content.

Or perhaps you’re still building trust with Uberflip. You might be wondering if users really will have a better experience, or if Uberflip will be as flexible as your organization needs it to be. Those are valid concerns. Like with all long and lasting relationships, trust must be earned. 

Regardless of why you might choose to copy content, Uberflip makes the process easy. First, there’s the use of canonical tags. 

Canonical tags are essentially flags that show search engine crawlers which page to care about when there are copies of the same page with different URLs. Without a canonical tag to designate a master copy, duplicate pages compete against each other in organic search, splitting search volume and preventing both pages from moving up search ranks. 

For example, if your team first published an article in WordPress and then copied it to Uberflip, a canonical tag would prompt search engine crawlers to prefer that WordPress version, preventing it from losing traffic to any other versions. 

Once you add a canonical tag to your original content page, you’re typically fine. Search engine crawlers will index the copy of the page on your site, not the page on Uberflip. However, if the URL of your master page (outside of Uberflip) ever changes, you’ll need to manually update all canonical tags within Uberflip that point back to that master page. This update will need to happen any time the primary URL is altered in the future. Not changing these canonical tags will create duplicate content and negatively impact your organic traffic. 

Option 2: Make a Complete Move to Uberflip

The second option is to migrate resources from old platforms to Uberflip and delete that content elsewhere (or take down the platforms that used to host that content). While leaving familiar platforms behind may seem intimidating at the start, it actually creates a more seamless long-term experience for everyone. 

  • If Uberflip users need to tweak articles, they only need to perform updates on one platform. Maintaining multiple copies means double the updates.
  • There’s no need for canonical tags to address content that lives in more than one spot.
  • Uberflip’s platform makes content management quicker and easier by automatically serving up personalized suggestions to customers. 

More importantly, moving content to Uberflip means that those who visit your website won’t wonder why multiple versions of the same article exist in different places, or where they should look for the latest content. It adds to the already positive, personalized experience users get from Uberflip, building trust in your brand. So why send users back to older, clunkier platforms? 

Simply put, moving your content to Uberflip means your users are more engaged and your internal processes are more streamlined.

The actual process of moving resources is easy. The key is redirects. Redirects work like forwarding addresses, signaling to search engines that content from a particular URL now lives at a new URL. In this case, the new place is your Uberflip platform. 

To create successful redirects, make sure that: 

  • Every content asset’s old URL is redirected to its new one. Don’t just redirect everything to a new landing page, and don’t redirect old URLs to irrelevant new URLs.
  • Redirects are mapped in advance, implemented in a staging environment, and tested prior to launch. 
  • The team audits redirects immediately after launch to make sure they were implemented perfectly.

This diligence is how you can help ensure page views don’t dip during migration. It’s no small task, and that’s why Profound Strategy and Uberflip frequently work together to ensure seamless migrations for Uberflip users. 

Profound Strategy is an independent SEO results partner. We help Uberflip maintain an SEO-friendly platform, and have worked with their team to offer a solutions package to ensure a pain-free, no-traffic-loss migration.  

What if I Decide to Move Away from Uberflip?

If, at some point in the future, you decide to move away from Uberflip, your content can easily move with you. The only step is to create redirects to your content’s new location.

Unlike many social platforms, including Facebook and YouTube, Uberflip will never own your audience. So your content—and more importantly, your audience—remain yours. 

Copy or Move, Which Should I Choose?

The choice of whether to copy or move your content is completely up to you. Copying means that your Uberflip content will live in two places. Moving means streamlining content completely into your Uberflip experience. If you want to ease into your relationship with Uberflip, and copying content feels right, then we can simplify that process with built-in canonical settings. Or, if you’re ready to dive in and give users the simplest experience possible, we’ll help move everything over with redirects.

If you’re on the fence about which option you should choose, Profound Strategy recommends moving content rather than copying it. Migrating your library is ultimately the cleanest and most efficient option in the long run; it eliminates the need to create and edit content more than once, it makes canonical tags a non-issue, and it prevents confusion over duplicate content.

About the Author

Nate has helped companies like Atlassian, Badgeville, PennyMac, and Marketo establish dominant leadership positions in their niche—and define entirely new categories—with high-impact SEO strategy and execution. Organic search offers more exposure than any other marketing channel, and modern SEO is how companies compete for that high-value visibility. He is the founder and CEO of Profound Strategy, a results-oriented SEO consultancy trusted by forward-thinking companies, including some of the world's largest B2B and technology brands.

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