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Making the First Move: Getting to Know Your Audience

To paraphrase the wise words of my colleague, Audrey, if you create content but no one sees it, does it even exist? In less abstract terms, if you develop a marketing and content strategy to build a following and to generate leads, but it fails to do just that, what was even the point?

Some followings are easy to see: Twitter followers, Facebook likes, people opening emails from a campaign. You can learn a lot about your readers by engaging with them in these ways. But how do you get to know the casual content consumer who happens upon your Flipbooks? Getting some information from your unique readers when they land on your content is key to turning them into loyal fans of your brand. But how can you get to know who your readers are? Ask them, of course! We offer a few different ways to learn more about your readers.

Subscription Management

Our subscription management tool allows you to provide your readers with usernames and passwords. While this may sound like a tactic that only a paid publication would use, you could offer your readers the ability to sign up for a free account right from that screen. The sign up form is completely customizable so not only can you get their name, email address, and region, you can also ask them questions specific to your industry or usecase. Their information will populate in your account which you can sort through or export if you’d like to use that information for compiling user stats or building email campaigns.

Bypass Authentication

If requiring a username and password to see your content sounds daunting, we do offer a method that would allow you to leverage the power of the subscription management tool without forcing a user to sign up. The bypass authentication method allows your readers the option to sign up to your subscriber list or just view your content as an unknown guest. You can have readers make the first move to sign up (as we do with Going Digital) but you can also use a bit of string query with the flipbook URL to prompt visitors to sign up. Our team is happy to help you set up any service we offer so you can get the most from your account.

Third Party Tools

One of the best things about working with Uberflip is that there is no end to the customization you can use to accomplish almost any goal. Whether it be using the custom script widget to place polls and other content on your Flipbook pages, or embedding your Flipbook onto your website, you’re sure to find the right tool for the job. There are numerous third party tools you can use to place a form in front of your content so a reader will need to submit their information to you before they can access your content. Generally speaking, these solutions will populate that third party account with your reader information which you’ll be able to sort and use as you like.

Hopefully the above tips will help you create a loyal base from a wanderer, but remember to nourish those leads once you have them. This includes making sure your email campaigns contain valuable information and aren’t so frequent that your subscribers feel overwhelmed. You want your audience to trust your brand and root for you to succeed which means you need to respect their privacy too. Once you have your reader information, don’t forget to combine it with the other stats your Uberflip Metrics suite offers to get the full picture of who your readers are and what they’re interested in.

Got any questions? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author

With her degree in English and a rich past in customer service, Lauren leads client retention at Uberflip. Born and raised near Sarnia, Lauren spent her undergraduate years in Ottawa at Carleton University, where her love of everything social and political developed. She moved to Toronto to start a career and to be closer to family. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys exploring the sights and sounds of Toronto and spending time with her family and friends.

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