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Inside Your Hub: The Journey Of A Visitor

Three of the biggest obstacles that marketers face are getting their content discovered, keeping their audience engaged and turning visitors into leads. Each one of these tasks is a challenge unto itself, and mastering all three can seem downright impossible. Spoiler alert: it’s not!

We built Uberflip to be the ultimate tool for marketers. An Uberflip Content Hub pulls all of your content from across the web into a beautiful interface that is responsive to any device. This makes it easy for visitors to consume content wherever they may be coming from, keeps them engaged because all of your content is living together, and is more likely to convert because of the Calls-to-Action that are placed strategically throughout the Hub. The best part? It’s incredibly easy to set up and was designed so no IT is required to get up and running!

Though Uberflip is very intuitive – both for a Hub’s creator as well as visitor – it can still be somewhat tricky to grasp since it is a new concept for many people. In fact, one of the questions we get asked most often is how does someone discover your Hub and what is their experience once they’ve entered it. With that in mind, here’s a journey of a typical Hub visitor.

Discovering your Hub

There are many ways to discover a Hub, since your Hub contains many different types of content. A person might have clicked a link on your website or saw an article in a Google search. In this example, we’ll look at Twitter. Here, we’ve tweeted a link to an article in our Hub.

After intriguing a person with your tweet, he or she will then click the link in order to be taken to the content that you’ve promoted.

Entering your Hub

Once a link is clicked, a visitor will be taken into your Hub to the piece that you have linked to. In this case, visitors are taken to an article that was originally brought into our Hub by our WordPress RSS feed. Regardless of whether a person clicked the link from Twitter on a smartphone, tablet or desktop, the full article will be displayed nicely for each device.

Discovering More Content

Now that your visitor has read the article that first captured her attention, she now wants to see what else you have. She can either click the Next Article flyout button at the bottom right of the screen or explore content that is categorized by type or theme from the icons on the left. In this example, she clicks the Home icon to be taken to your Latest Content feed.

Now your visitor is able to see a real-time feed of every piece of content that you publish. Rather than sending people away from your website to discover more, all of your tweets, blog posts, YouTube videos, Flipbooks, and more can be found side-by-side.

Turning Visitors Into Leads

Now that your visitor is bouncing around your Hub and highly engaged with your content, she is more likely willing to move to the next stage and become a lead. Fortunately, you’ve set up Call-to-Actions to capitalize on this engagement at just the right moments. For example, here a visitor has entered our HubSpot Marketing Stream because she is a HubSpot user. Once in this Stream, there is a CTA giving her the option to request a demo to see how it all works. How’s that for targeted marketing!

Of course, because your Hub is a dynamic and unique experience, not every visitor’s journey will look exactly the same. The key takeaway is that we’ve created a fun environment for visitors to become engaged with your content, as well as for a marketer to set up and maintain.