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Grade My Stack: A New Tool for Analyzing Your Content Marketing Software

Grade My Stack content marketing software tool

Content marketing is very different today than it was just a few years ago. As marketers, we're inundated with different tools that can help us build out our strategies and creation processes. While these tools are all helpful, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between the functionalities of each tool and really figure out what mix of tools is best for our organization. 

Today Uberflip is announcing the release of a new tool, Grade My Stack. Grade My Stack can help marketers better visualize their marketing stack and see where they have holes and where they're going strong. 

For more information on Grade My Stack, Uberflip's CEO, Yoav Schwartz, wrote a letter explaining the ideation behind the tool: 

Why We Built Grade My Stack

It all started with a framework for how to think about content marketing software called “The 4 Pillars of Content Marketing”.

Why? At first, it was to scratch my own itch. I was getting frustrated with having to explain why Uberflip (where I am co-founder and CEO) is different than Contently or NewsCred or Kapost – or any other software that is categorized as a “content marketing platform”. While there is a little overlap, we are all unique offerings, satisfying different parts of the content marketing process.

The simple truth is that content marketing is a concept. It is a thing we do. It is not a function, or even a series of functions, that can be satisfied with a single piece of software.

Content marketing software is the stack you build.

So I set out to show how different software – some of which are not necessarily associated with content marketing (e.g. marketing automation) – are still part of content marketing. I wanted to see how marketers would analyze their existing stack if they had the tools available to map it out.

Grade My Stack is a free tool for marketers to build out their marketing stack on the 4 Pillars framework so they can easily identify any gaps, discover new tools, and even receive a grade on the completeness of their stack.

With time, Grade My Stack will prove to not only be a valuable tool for assessing one's current marketing software but an incredible discovery tool, powered by the professional opinions of other sophisticated content marketers.

I invite you to give a try. In the spirit of content marketing, its existence is first and foremost to offer value to content marketers like you


Yoav Schwartz
Uberflip CEO & Co-founder


About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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