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5 Ways to Optimize Your Post-Conversion Landing Pages

post-conversion landing page

There are many ways B2B marketers can generate leads.

To do so, marketers will leverage just about any type of content, whether it’s an eBook, webinar, or white paper.

But what happens after the hard work pays off and you’ve generated a lead? Hopefully by the end of this post, your answer will be: “a post-conversion landing page”.

A post-conversion landing page is simply the next step following a conversion on a landing page. The great thing about these pages is that they can be used for any form submission, and can  therefore be incorporated into any marketing strategy.

Whether you already use post-conversion landing pages or want to know why you should, here are five optimization tips to continue the conversion journey.

1. Have a post-conversion landing page

This may seem like a given, but the most important step to optimizing any post-conversion page is to actually have one. Like Wishpond says, post-conversion landing pages are your secret weapon.

Time and time again, I see companies using a "thank you" message instead of a post-conversion page and it brings one thought to mind: missed opportunity. That is, a missed opportunity to further engage and nurture a lead.

A "thank you" message is just a glorified goodbye message because you’re no longer interacting with a potential customers. The "thank you" message below demonstrates this concept:

Unsuccessful thank you page message

As a marketer, you need to define the customer journey. Cue: the post-conversion landing page.

2. Bring back your site navigation

Assuming you remove your site navigation on your landing pages, you can bring it back on the post-conversion page. If you don’t yet do this, I highly suggest you do. Need convincing? See how HubSpot saw a 28% increase in conversions after removing site navigation on their landing pages.

Once you have successfully converted your visitor into a lead, it’s time to bring back your site navigation. Why is this important? Well, you’re going to be promoting a landing page on multiple channels so it’s possible that a lead may have converted without taking the time to review/visit  your website.

The analogy I like to give is this: it’s like the online version of talking to strangers and you’re the stranger. Give them the option to do their due diligence and learn more about your company. This tactic is depicted below:

Landing page navigation vs. post-conversion page navigation

3. Offer a free resource OR social sharing

Similar to your landing pages, it’s important to have one clear call-to-action (CTA) to ensure the page is not overwhelming to visitors.

How do you choose between a free resource or social sharing? At the end of the day, your decision should be based on what stage of the funnel the offer is targeted to and what strategy helps meet your business needs. At Amity, we sell mainly to B2B companies. We’ve found that our audience is 50% more likely to convert when we offer a free resource in comparison to social sharing.

A simple formula is:

  • If your goal is to nurture leads, then use a free resource.

  • If your goal is to generate leads, then use social sharing.

4. Tailor the post-conversion offer to the previous landing page

If you’re creating a post-conversion page for your upcoming webinar on the topic of SEO and you know that your company has a white paper on this topic, then this would be a great free resource to use. The great thing about post-conversion landing pages is that you have the upper hand. Because you know the visitor’s interests, you’re able to plan accordingly.

A few key things to remember when choosing your post-conversion offer:

  • The post-conversion resource is meant to enhance the previous offer, not replace it.

  • Take the level of the offer into consideration. For example, if your webinar was targeted to SEO beginners, then your post-conversion offer shouldn't be targeted to an SEO expert.

BONUS TIP: What if the lead has already seen my post-conversion offer? Make use of Smart Content. Smart Content is a valuable resource for targeting content based on what you know about your contacts. A simple way to use Smart Content would be to create a rule that recommends a SEO blog post to anyone who already downloaded the SEO white paper.

5. A/B test and optimize

You’ve done all this work crafting the perfect post-conversion landing page. You’re hyped, your co-workers think you’re awesome, and you press publish. What if it doesn’t convert? Should you give up, quit marketing altogether, and stick to being a consumer?

No way! Being a successful marketer isn’t all about getting it right the first time, every time. It’s about being able to turn any learning experience into an opportunity. That’s the key to optimization and why it’s so important to A/B test.

There are plenty of A/B Testing and Optimization tools available that you can leverage to become a lead-gen machine.

Don’t miss an opportunity to generate leads

How will you leverage post-conversion landing pages to generate leads?

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About the Author

<a href="">Matthew McLaren</a> works as a Digital Marketing Analyst at <a href="">Amity</a>. Prior to this, he led Social Media campaigns at the <a href="">Office of the Provincial Advocate</a>.

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