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12 Days Of Uberflip: From Custom Branding To Deep Analytics

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s impossible to not get swept up in all the excitement. Since you’ve all been very good content marketers this year, we wanted to treat you with the 12 days of Uberflip! Below you’ll find a list of 12 awesome Uberflip features, which span all areas of our platform. In true Uberflip fashion, all of these are very easy to learn and implement. Check them out and see which ones will help your marketing efforts – or, better yet, experiment with one each day for 12 days!

Your Custom Branding

If you’ve come to Uberflip, chances are you take a lot of pride in your brand. We’ve made it easy to customize the appearance of virtually all corners of our platform to make your Hub or Flipbook feel like truly your own. Whether it’s a header or background image, favicon, color scheme or messaging, we’ve given you the tools you need to make the Uberflip experience all your own.

Responsive Design

Ok, this isn’t exactly a feature for you to learn, but it’s a very important aspect of our platform that you might not realize. Our philosophy at Uberflip is that content should be ready for every device, which is why we built Hubs with responsive design. In a Hub, the number of Items on the screen at any given time will adjust according to how big the screen is. Want to give it a try? If you’re on a desktop, resize the browser window and watch how the number of Items on the screen magically re-adjusts accordingly. If you’re on a smartphone or tablet, you’ve already noticed how our Hub feels like it was made to work on your specific screen size.


Content marketing is all about developing a relationship with your audience and being there whenever they’re ready to use your service. With Hubs, we allow you to place Call-To-Actions (CTAs) amongst your content so they’re exactly where they need to be when a reader is most interested in your brand. Whether it’s after reading the first blog post, the third tweet or the fifth video, you’re able to leverage all that great content you’ve worked hard to create and generate some high quality leads.

Through our HubSpot and MailChimp integrations (more on these below), you can also automatically create email lists via your CTAs, as well as gate specific content with them. So what would be a simple click turns into a powerful lead generation opportunity, gathering contact information and establishing a connection with your readers you can further leverage.

Custom Collections

With so much content out there, it’s now more important than ever to be able to better filter through the clutter to find what’s relevant. Through Custom Collections, you can use your Hub to provide a meaningful experience for audience members who are part of a particular campaign, demographic and so on. No more sending people to your many different social channels and hoping they see relevant information amongst all your other content. Now, hand-pick featured tweets, videos, articles and more and create a better experience! Check out this example of a Custom Collection dedicated to our HubSpot integration.

Supercharge your PDFs

We’ve all gotten a ton of PDFs, but when was the last time you were excited about getting a document to read? Before Hubs came along, we established ourselves as the leaders in enhanced PDFs (Flipbooks). With Uberflip, you can turn your static PDFs into dynamic page-turn experiences with hyperlinks, buttons to share to social networks, and videos that play from right inside the pages! Plus, we allow all of this to be tracked so you know exactly what content is working and what needs improving (which can be done and publicly available in real-time).

Dynamic Previews for your Website

It’s important to make your content stand out and entice people to click on it in order to read. Content powered by Uberflip is very easy to quickly discover and engage with, since everything is accessed by a URL in any web browser; however, we went one step further and developed some creative promo tools - for example, you can embed a widget on your website that dynamically cycles through different Items within your Hub.

Subscription Management

Many of our customers have content that they do not want to be freely available. This is why we’ve implemented a subscription management system to restrict access to your Flipbooks. Whether you want to require your readers to submit an email, require a password so only certain people can access it, or charge for a subscription, we’ve got many options for you to determine exactly how someone is able to view your content.


When you have great content, people will naturally want to share their thoughts on whatever topic you’ve addressed. We’ve made this possible through our Disqus integration, which allows your readers to comment with each other. Plus, you’ll have full moderation capabilities, so you know things will never get out of hand!


A good content marketer doesn’t just pump out content for the sake of pumping out content, rather, they focus on producing quality material that his or her audience will get value out of. As intuitive as a person may be, it’s hard to truly know what will resonate with people. This is why analytics are so important, because you can now take a look at what items people are looking at, how long they spend on each item, where they come in, where they leave off, and so on. Thankfully, our Metrics platform lets you look at how readers are interacting with your work in order to make tweaks that will better engage your audience.

Marketing Automation Integrations

As much work as we put in to our marketing efforts, at the end of the day, we’re only human. As such, it can definitely help to get a little assistance whenever we can. This is why we’ve built marketing automation integrations into our platform to help your marketing easier and better. If a reader fills out a form on your Hub, you can have this info sent directly to either MailChimp or HubSpot (with even more on the way!). You can then use these services to send automated campaigns to these lists. Taking things one step further, HubSpot even lets you create campaigns based on behaviour within your Hub! Releasing a new video? Automatically send it to everyone who’s visited your Hub and watched at least 2 videos!

Content Curation

Creating an engaging experience for your readers doesn’t necessarily mean using just your own content. With Hubs, you can also pull content from other sources to create the ultimate go-to source for your audience! Create a Twitter list to bring in tweets from thought leaders in  your field. Pull in articles from other popular blogs. Create YouTube playlists with videos that relate to your industry. Remember, a great content marketer is not just a great content creator but is also a great content curator.

Search Engine Optimization

If an article gets posted on your blog and no one is around to read it, does it make an impact? Probably not. A Hub is an SEO powerhouse, optimizing all of your content for easy discoverability in search engines. Additionally, if you’re curating content from other sources, they’ll then be optimized for your Hub as well!

About the Author

With an M.A. in Communications & Culture and a strong passion for technology, Michael has found his home as a Marketing Specialist at Uberflip. Though focused on channel marketing initiatives, Michael is often called on for last-minute tasks or for help using Uberflip's software.

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